"Paradise Journal" by Jim and Mindy Phypers The following account is based on excerpts from a journal kept by Jim and Mindy Phypers during an extraordinary journey to New Zealand in the early 1980's. Beginning as a two week honeymoon, th... |
July 8, 2008 I'm back! We had a wonderful adventure to Europe. We are still trying to get used to our time zone, so forgive me for missing some posts. I have so many cool things to write about—but first things first. I loo... |
May 7, 2007 offset sticker Since my car is not getting great mileage and I have yet to find an option that can fit all the kids (carpooling), I decided to offset my carbon. I chose to buy offsets from terrapass . Their websi... |
May 13, 2008 recycle car seats? Renee over at enviromom posted a very interesting question and idea. She writes about a local car seat recycling program in Portland, Oregon. It sounds so logical and wonderful, but is actually ... |
Alana Andrews Gray Create Your Badge www. flick r .com This is a Flickr badge showing public photos and videos from agray231 . Make your own badge here . Green Moms Carnival Best of Mother Earth Big Green Purse Crunchy ... |
GENERAL INFO PRODUCTS VERMI COMPOST TEA LARGE SCALE TOILETS EDUCATION OTHER SITES Interested in the various aspects of composting? Well, you've come to the right place. On our site you will find articles and hundreds of l... |
July 22, 2008 good then, good now Severn Suzuki gave this speech at the UN Earth Summit in 1992 when she was 15. Posted by mom go green at Tuesday, July 22, 2008 Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook... |
July 30, 2008 reader tip #2 (from therese) In keeping with the Dutch theme, here is another good tip that was submitted for the green genius contest. Therese has a great suggestion for putting off trips to the dry cleaners (ev... |
July 21, 2008 kill a watt A few people have suggested that I try using a "Kill A Watt " to investigate my home's high energy usage. The Kill A Watt is a small plug in device which measures the efficiency of electrica... |
July 28, 2008 reader tip #1 (from jessica) So many wonderful tips have been submitted for the green genius contest. The first one that I want to share is from reader Jessica. She writes: "My all time favorite product for s... |
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