Wednesday, September 10, 2008 End Mountaintop Removal-NOW I have been trying to collect my thoughts and deep emotions about coal in this region for weeks. It is sometimes so difficult to put down in print, what you feel deep ... |
A TRIBUTE The water warrior INITIATIVE Orissa's progres Entering the water world Urban rainwater harvesting : the way ahead Share your views! Experiencing Gujarat Yatri's speak Conference Call Virtual water forum Greening Konkan... |
May 31, 2009 my happy place On Saturday mornings I love going to my local farmer's market. This is one of the most exciting times of year for it because so many delicious fruits and vegetables are in season: strawberries, rasp... |
Green Construction Looking at the Big Picture: Life Cycle Thinking for the Building and Construction Sector Hari Srinivas Emerging Trends Series E-033. June 2015. The breadth of meaning of the term ?building and construction? and the links which th... |
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 Eat From Home Challenge A great way to go green and save green is to stay out of the drive through lane. Even sit down restaurants have a huge impact on your wallet and the environment! Upon examining... |
A NEW BEGINNING Forging ties WATER LITERACY Informing people Water play The facilitator Water Gala IN FOCUS Faulty perceptions Thirst rises, patience evaporates URBAN WETLANDS Eviction ordered Join the BIG fight Citizens pick up cudgels So... |
... urbanization of the 60s and 70s considerably enhanced its economic standing and the overal quality of life of its people ... |
MINDY'S TIPS ON SAVING ENERGY ( better for the wallet - better for the planet - better for the soul) PLEASE VISIT: Our main main web site for more natural building and renewable energy projects And Our new SolarHaven2 Eco-community cu... |
Colloquium: Introduction The Context: Natural Building The Building Codes Societal Impact Matrix Return of The Village Habitat For Humanity Earthmother Dwelling Intuitive Design Curves of Breath & Clay Feng Shui... |
Mission: Plant Think about air quality Most of the time when we think about air quality and air pollution, we think about the outdoor air, and ... |
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