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You are hereHome › Projects and Programmes › REEEP Project Archive Visit REEEP on Twitter Visit REEEP on Facebook Visit REEEP on LinkedIn Subscribe to via RSS REEEP Project Archive Search and navigate the full REEEP Portfolio by selecting f... |
Inspiring Ideas from Japan's 3R Initiative Hari Srinivas Case Study Series E-099. May 2015. Japan's rapid industrialization and urbanization of the 60s and 70s considerably enhanced its economic standing and the overal quality of life of its people... |
The Ecological Footprint of Cities: Innovations For Greater Sustainability Hari Srinivas Policy Analysis Series E-199. September 2023. Abstract Considering the immense pressure our lifestyles are having on the environment, Canadian researchers... |
You are hereHome › Croatia (2012) Visit REEEP on Twitter Visit REEEP on Facebook Visit REEEP on LinkedIn Subscribe to via RSS Croatia (2012) Submitted by reeep_admin on Fri, 2013-10-11 15:33 Degree of reliance on imported energy: <p Croatia is... |
November 30, 2009 green holiday lights Well, actually blue holiday lights would be a more accurate title. I bought some new "icicle" lights to decorate our front windows. These new lights are LED, and I expected them t... |
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