- full screen image - This web site was created with solar and wind power (last revision: August 16, 2013) BUILDING PROJECTS how to build your own load-bearing straw bale house in im... |
- living simply and sustainably - NOTE: Our well-known, popular photographs are now featured on coffee mugs, greeting cards, tote bags and a few other products on Redbubble EXAMPLE: Our gloriously gorgeous greeting cards - full ... |
Living Green and Thrifty Tips on how to live a more sustainable life in a thrifty way. Tales from our family life as we make our eco journey to a greener life. Pages HOME L... |
July 31, 2008 costco cleans green I just read about a new product line that looks promising from Costco . They have developed three new cleaning products from their Kirkland brand: laundry detergent, liquid dish soap, and mult... |
Alana Andrews Gray Create Your Badge www. flick r .com This is a Flickr badge showing public photos and videos from agray231 . Make your own badge here . Green Moms Carnival Best of Mother Earth Big Green Purse Crunchy Chi... |
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