... r .com This is a Flickr badge showing public photos and videos from agray231 . Make your own badge here . Green Moms Carnival Best of Mother Earth Big Green Purse ...... |
Environmental Vulnerability and Disaster Risk Reduction Hari Srinivas Concept Note Series E-139. April 2022 I t is only recently that more attention is being paid worldwide to the impacts of a disaster in environmental terms, and understand the cyc... |
UEM Research Focus Capacity Building Disaster Mitigation Energy Management Environmental Education Green Construction Impact Assessment Slums and Squatters Sustainable Sanitation Sustainable Tourism Transportation Urban Planning Waste Management Water Reso... |
Starting points for MEAs Implementation: Asking the Question, "So What?" Hari Srinivas One-Pager Series E-014. April 2015 L ike the environment itself, MEA implementation is a complex process, requiring multi-info applied at multi-levels, us... |
Urban Squatters and Slums Field Observation: Squatter Settlement Development Hari Srinivas Concept Note Series E-150. April 2022. Based information collected during a survey of squatter settlements in Bangalore, India, and Bangkok, Thailand, it was ... |
Urban Environmental Management EMS for Cities Putting up a Green Front . Support Systems for EMS Development and Implementation Right Information at the Right Level . Hari Srinivas Concept Note Series E-170. June 2021 I n order to take ful... |
Directions for a 3R Future Hari Srinivas Policy Analysis Series E-096. April 2015. Various activities have been, and are being, planned as a part of the follow-up to WSSD and the 10-Year Framework Programme for Sustainable Production and Consumption... |
Components of a Sound 3R Policy Hari Srinivas Policy Analysis Series E-095. April 2015. For a local or national government to adopt a sound 3R policy, there are essentially four key components that need to be considered. These are: (1) policy and st... |
... r .com This is a Flickr badge showing public photos and videos from agray231 . Make your own badge here . Green Moms Carnival Best of Mother Earth Big Green Purse ...... |
Sustainability Dimensions of Transport Systems Hari Srinivas Concept Note Series E-113. GDRC's approach to Sustainable Transportation emphasizes broader access to goods and services, rather than just making mobility more efficient. This would esse... |
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