November 30, 2009 green holiday lights Well, actually blue holiday lights would be a more accurate title. I bought some new "icicle" lights to decorate our front windows. These new lights are LED, and I expected them ... |
Colloquium: Introduction The Context: Natural Building The Building Codes Societal Impact Matrix Return of The Village Habitat For Humanity Earthmother Dwelling Intuitive Design Curves of Breath & Clay Feng Shui... |
. Building a Small "Starter" Straw Bale Home or Guest House (low cost to build - ultra energy efficient - no utility costs) Plans and Budget: SIZE: 480 square feet , external - 312 square feet, internal (see plans below) ESTIMATED COS... |
... posts, but haven't had a chance to write them (little guy has been waking up at night since he's under the weather) ... |
"STAND-ALONE SYSTEM" SOLAR ELECTRIC PANELS DESIGN - INSTALLATION - COSTS BACK-UP SYSTEM - SEPARATE 12 VOLT SYSTEM "I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don't have to wait till oil and coal r... |
October 3, 2007 eco-events Okay - get these dates on your calendar: October 20th is Lights Out SF and October 25th starts the SF Climate Challenge . Don't live ...... |
July 5, 2007 green denim Eco-fashion (eco-everything) is all the rage right now. As people examine how to green their lives, all aspects are under scrutiny. As a busy mom, there is one aspect I am quite familiar with: jeans.... |
EASTERN COASTAL PLAIN Lakshmi Narayanan, Shweta and Uma Maheshwari Three final year civil engineering students Ð Lakshmi Narayanan, Shweta and Uma Maheshwari from Anna University, Chennai are succe... |
July 11, 2007 g diapers My kids are no longer in diapers, but if they were I'd definitely give gDiapers a try. Admittedly, I am swayed by the adorable covers they offer, but I am sold on their environmental ingenuity. They c... |
October 31, 2007 happy halloween! It has been such an exhausting day! A good day, but I'm so tired I think I'm just going to go pack up the lunches and go to sleep. Besides, the Switch Witch still has to come. More tomorrow. Po... |
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