Fossil fuels save New England from freezing in the dark... Again
Wasn't there this issue, climate something, which used to be important to these people?
Coal trains in Bihar, India November 2023. by Salil Kumar Mukherjee By Jo Nova India is going gangbusters building coal The need for energy in India is so dire, the Modi government just leaned on the power companies to get...
By Jo Nova Global fossil fuel use hits a new record level in 2023 We spent $1.77 Trillion dollars on the clean energy transition last year, yet our fossil fuel use is still rising and our emissions are still increasing.
By Jo Nova Stop Storms with Censorship! The UN Chief reminds us that we are babies who need an unelected tribal chieftain to protect us from seeing naughty persuasive words...
While no one was paying attention, a Russian ship exploring Antarctica claims it has found oil and gas deposits that are ten times larger than the North Sea...
By Jo Nova The clean energy revolution is failing, and everyone knows it In a radical move, the CEO of an oil giant actually defended oil. For a brief moment the space-time continuum opened a worm hole to reality, and leaders...
By Vijay Jayaraj Globally, winter cold kills more people than summer heat, and winter in Central Asia is no gentle visitor. Temperatures can plummet to minus 40°C (-40°F), transforming bustling…
The NDP bill is an attack on free commercial speech and seeks to demonise an industry that is vital to modern life.
By Jo Nova There’s no hiding that this is a major backflip History books will be written about corporate mistakes.
By Jo Nova They didn’t tell us, the term “fossil fuels” might be wrong too Dr Willie Soon unleashes on the failures of climate change and modern science for 40 minutes with Tucker Carlson (see below)...
By Jo Nova Top 20 Energy mining nations are planning to increase production, not decrease it. Despite 151 nations signing the Paris Agreement, the UNEP has all but admitted that most of the world is not even pretending to...
The International Energy Agency bets its reputation on an aggressive prediction
Is the Biden Administration so deliberately naïve that it would turn US security over to China?
By Jo Nova Some overpaid academics think the rich nations owe $192,000,000,000,000 to poorer nations because of the “carbon pollution” they emitted.
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