January 20, 2008 future sea level We went to the library this weekend and came across an art installation outside. There was tape wrapped around the building (about 3 feet high) that read, "FutureSeaLevel.org . The proje... |
... with Blue Bottle Coffee . They've been building quite a following here in the Bay Area as microroasters of organic and shade grown coffee. They are not super-easy ...... |
January 30, 2008 go away, ants! If you've ever lived in the SF Bay Area, chances are you've experienced ant invasions. The tiny, pesky ants travel indoors ...... |
June 30, 2008 chocolate as biofuel A few weeks ago I finally managed to read my Spring edition of On Earth published by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). A blurb titled "Godiva's Lastest Ride" written by Wen... |
December 20, 2007 toy safety on-the-go Maybe you've already finished your holiday shopping (hooray for you!) Even if it is too late for you to use this new tool, it is cool to know about all the same. Healthy Toys has teamed up... |
October 31, 2007 happy halloween! It has been such an exhausting day! A good day, but I'm so tired I think I'm just going to go pack up the lunches and go to sleep. Besides, the Switch Witch still has to come. More tomorrow. Po... |
August 31, 2007 summer grilling I've been meaning to do a post about backyard grilling all summer. Uh, how did it get to be Labor Day already? Since Labor Day is still a very popular time to grill I'll go ahead and post this in... |
December 20, 2007 toy safety on-the-go Maybe you've already finished your holiday shopping (hooray for you!) Even if it is too late for you to use this new tool, it is cool to know about all the same. Healthy Toys has teamed up... |
November 30, 2009 green holiday lights Well, actually blue holiday lights would be a more accurate title. I bought some new "icicle" ...... |
April 30, 2008 chemicals in the home Recently there was that news report about bisphenol-a . Since I had been avoiding that chemical since last year I felt like my crazy plastic purge in our home was validated. Then just today ... |
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