April 14, 2010 catherine mohr builds green I just watched this video from TED and wanted to share it. Catherine Mohr humorously shares her experience of building a green house. The surprising lesson is that "sometimes what ... |
April 13, 2009 pesticide peddlers Have you seen this story swirling on the internet? Michelle Obama plants an organic garden at the White House and now big agriculture is on the defensive. A blog, La Vida Locavore , posted the... |
Thursday, October 23, 2008 Clean Coal is not the answer! When I hear Obama ads in this state touting his support of the coal industry, and I hear every other politician repeating the rhetoric, I want to scream! As I lay in bed ... |
March 4, 2008 moth spraying This topic is so overwhelming to me. If you don't live in the Bay Area, perhaps you can be thankful. Seems there is a pesky moth threatening the area's agriculture crops (the light brown apple moth)... |
April 30, 2010 oil spill image from NOAA In brief: The US administration has banned oil drilling in new areas of the US coast while the cause of the oil spill off Louisiana is investigated. From the AP: "The oil slick coul... |
July 22, 2010 the story of cosmetics I'm very excited that the team at The Story of Stuff has created a short film with The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. The film takes a big, depressing problem and presents it in a concise and... |
... for the festive occassion, we are giving away a $25 gift certificate to Mama Goes Green ! Open to US residents only. This will include free shipping on a $25 ... |
July 22, 2010 the story of cosmetics I'm very excited that the team at The Story of Stuff has created a short film with The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. The film takes a big, depressing problem and presents it in a concise and ... |
April 30, 2009 no swine flu here! Everyone's talking about it. And while I'm not going to panic, I am encouraging my kids to wash their hands frequently. I also picked up some more of my favorite sanitizing wipes form CleanWel... |
... environmental issue that I've taken a stance on, because I believe it's where the green rubber ... |
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