Sustainable Transportation Documents and reports on sustainable transportation One-pagers Key issues in Sustainable Transportation Some Economic Benefits of Sustainable Transportation Job Types Related to Sustainable Transportation S ... |
You are hereHome › News and Events › Events › VERGE San Francisco 2014 Visit REEEP on Twitter Visit REEEP on Facebook Visit REEEP on LinkedIn Subscribe to via RSS VERGE San Francisco 2014 27-10-2014 to 30-10-2014, San Francisco... |
You are hereHome › Concepts › energy Visit REEEP on Twitter Visit REEEP on Facebook Visit REEEP on LinkedIn Subscribe to via RSS energy One-Day International Energy Efficiency Financing Protocol (IEEFP) Workshop The Efficiency Valuation Org... |
You are hereHome › Concepts › cities Visit REEEP on Twitter Visit REEEP on Facebook Visit REEEP on LinkedIn Subscribe to via RSS cities South Asian Cities Summit Cities Network Campaign, in partnership with Department of Environment - Gover... |
Some Economic Benefits of Sustainable Transportation Attracts new business Recently rail stations in London, Brussels, Philadelphia and Washington D.C. have all ...... |
Green Construction Fostering Sustainable Development: Policy Considerations for Advancing Green Building and Construction Initiatives Hari Srinivas Policy Analysis Series C-054. S ustainable building and construction (SBC) stands at the forefro... |
The 3R Concept and Waste Minimization Hari Srinivas Concept Note Series E-093. June 2015. The popular and well-known concept of "3R" refers to reduce, reuse and recycle, particularly in the context of production and consumption. It calls for... |
Cities as Brands: Osaka City in Japan Reinvents itself Hari Srinivas Case Study Series E-149. May 2023. Abstract The document aims to understand and analyze the city of Osaka's image and branding strategies to "reinvent" itself for its ... |
The Ecological Footprint of Cities: Innovations For Greater Sustainability Hari Srinivas Policy Analysis Series E-199. September 2023. Abstract Considering the immense pressure our lifestyles are having on the environment, Canadian researchers... |
Idea Bank: Japanese Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness Hari Srinivas Case Study Series E-020. January 2015 Contents Partnership JISHUBO (Communities in Japan) Non-profit organizations (NPOs) Club Activity School Local government Corporation 1. Pa... |
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