Keir Starmer’s rhetoric against green campaigners appears to have taken a playground turn
Communities across the UK are fighting ‘catastrophic’ proposals to build new energy-from-waste plants
National Audit Office questions value for money as predicted bill for decommissioning increases by £21bn
With 10 waste-to-energy power plants under development across the country, conservationists say the ‘incineration industry’ is trying to gain a foothold in Australia.
Nuclear waste dump in Cumbria pleaded guilty to leaving data that could threaten national security exposed for four years, says regulator
Some conservationists believe the ‘incineration industry’ is trying to gain a foothold in Australia and say the trend will end up damaging the environment
The Drax power plant burns 7m tonnes of biomass pellets a year and generates 4% of the UK’s electricity needs
Nuclear site awaits sentencing over breaches that it admitted could have threatened national security
UK nuclear site pleads guilty to IT security breaches from 2019 to 2023
Comms Declare asks ACCC to investigate show sponsor Australian Gas Network for alleged greenwashing
Joy Clancy suggests anaerobic digesters could transform the waste into biogas and liquid fertiliser
As vast solar plants multiply, so does the scrap, set to reach 19m tonnes by 2050. But disposing of the waste often falls to informal traders who risk injury when dismantling broken panels
Richard Meal is second senior leader to depart following Guardian investigation into failings at UK nuclear waste site
Plans for a new wave of atomic power have not factored in local concerns over the safety of the waste sites the schemes entail
National Audit Office to examine risks and costs at nuclear waste site in Cumbria
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