As if Al Gore doesn’t already have enough money after selling his failed CURRENT TV channel to the dupes at Al Jazeera for a cool half billion dollars, only to have the viewer numbers crash down so low that Nielsen...
Gore’s “ice free Arctic” prediction from five years ago, falsified by nature itself The great bloviator has been pwned again, by the actions of nature itself...
WUWT readers may recall our coverage of Charles Monnett, whose antics with polar bear sitings and attribution led Al Gore to put this famous animated video clip into An Inconvenient Truth and make wild claims about polar...
People send me stuff. This time is a novel about climate change. – Anthony CAGW as self-organising narrative, referencing previous posts on fiction, and offering a free downloadable novelette By Andy West I’m a long-term...
Guess what? WUWT readers make up the majority of viewers of this farce video. Mostly curiosity I suppose. Watch the video, then see the numbers below. Yesterday, Tom Nelson asked this question, and it got me to digging. It’s...
I continue with uploading videos from the 24 houre WUWT.TV Gore-a-thon on November 14-15th seen live here on WUWT. This post contains two segments, one that was seen during the live session on Hurricane Sandy, and one that...
Dr. Ross McKitrick of the University of Guelph presents on the economics of energy and emissions. There has been a lot of positive response to this video during the original broadcast, so I decided to upload it first. Some...
Al Gore, is his usual incompetent persona, is bloviating weapons grade nonsense again. A few prior examples: On TV, Earth’s core is millions of degrees, in AIT, snows of Mt. Kilimanjaro will gone due to global warming,...
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