Because when your models can't predict the climate, what you really need is a bigger computer, right?
Lewandowsky - Universtiy of Western Australia Graham Readfearn complains at DeSmogBlog that climate bloggers including myself are: "using FOI to rifle through scientists' daily emails. … [FOI] is a law which appears to...
ANU have stifled any further attempt to reach the truth in this matter, having (a) refused to comment any further through their media office; and (b) quoted nearly $40k to search through their documents for the further evidence...
And if you make exaggerated claims about AGW, expect scrutiny of those as well. I really didn't want to spoil my breakfast by reading anything from extremist Clive Hamilton, but I had little choice, as it refers to the ANU...
A new type of plasma thruster, currently in development at the Australian National University, could be a game-changer for deep space missions. Researchers at ANU believe that the new plasma thruster will help satellites...
UPDATE: Marc has written to the ABC requesting they amend the sloppy and partisan wording of this update. We'll see how far he gets… Thanks to Marc Hendrickx for this update, which now appears on the original 4 June 2011...
Chris Merritt writes about the threats endured by those on the other side of the climate debate and politics in general, which, naturally, are rarely reported or mentioned by our PC media, whose self-appointed job is to defend...
Jonathan Holmes, presenter of Media Watch, writes a lengthy defence of his team's reporting of the ANU death threats story on ABC's The Drum. You can read it here. The only point I am going to comment on is detail is the...
Your humble correspondent gets another mention in an editorial in The Australian today: IT'S no surprise that the ABC's Media Watch has no bite when it comes to scrutinising the national broadcaster's own news coverage...
The death threat saga has reached parliament, with questions being asked at a Senate Estimates Committee of Prof Ian Chubb, current Chief Scientist, but Vice Chancellor of the ANU until March 2011...
The Australian publishes no less than four separate articles dealing, either directly or tangentially, with the ANU death threat story, and focussing in particular on the ABC's response to the release of the emails...
Which raises more questions than it answers: ANU emails Posted Thu May 24, 2012 4:13pm AEST News Online: On May 11, the ABC reported on the release under FOI of a number of emails relating to climate change received by staff...
UPDATE: Andrew Bolt tears Media Watch to shreds here. ABC's Media Watch reported on the ANU FOI story last night (see here for background). They criticised the ABC for not properly correcting or clarifying their original...
UPDATE: Marc Hendrickx finds links to Canberra Times articles which make the same claim as the ABC regarding the ANU. ABC1's Media Watch covered the ANU FOI story in detail tonight. I'm not going to post in detail yet, but...
Just when you think things cannot get any more bizarre, the ABC quietly updates its latest story on the ANU death threats with the following extraordinary statement: UPDATE (May 21): The release of these emails under Freedom...
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