The next installment of the Batman franchise, Batman vs. Superman, is coming soon, and director Zack Snyder recently previewed the Batmobile's spiffy new look. Past Batmobiles have been powered by a gas guzzling V8, but word...
Since 2007, a team of self-funded volunteers have spent their time designing and building an electric vehicle from scratch. Now, not only does it work, but it is capable of 207.5 MPG and can do zero-to-60 faster than Subaru's...
Depending on one’s perspective, this crazy new all-electric TORQ Roadster from Epic EV either looks like the most fun you can have on three wheels, or absolutely terrifying...
Depending on one’s perspective, the all-electric TORQ Roadster from Epic EV either sounds like the most fun you can have on three wheels, or absolutely terrifying...
Holy environmentalism Batman! Considering the Dark Knight has a personal fortune of $7 billion, you would think that Bruce Wayne would have made a greener version of the Batmobile a long time ago...
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