Now that summer is here, it's time to prepare for some camping trips. But finding a great tent can be tricky. Are you an adventurer who needs a tent that will withstand all types of weather? Are you looking to stay somewhere...
Known for its high-quality outdoor gear, The North Face just unveiled a dream tent designed to meet the needs of even the most intrepid camper. The Geodome 4 is a unique geodesic dome tent that's built to withstand the harshest...
For campers who are sick of lugging around bulky old-fashioned tents, the Tentnest is a breath of fresh air. Part hammock and part tent, the lightweight system fits easily in a backpack and can be set up anywhere in just... POD Tents are rather spacious, with the Maxi design sleeping a maximum of eight people and the Mini up to four. Not only can connectors bring together multiple PODs, but internal...
The Nube` camping hammock - the flagship project of outdoor equipment manufacturer Sierra Madre Research - could be one of the most versatile tents out there...
Kammok, a Texas-based manufacturer of light-weight camping hammocks, just unveiled their new Glider shelter - which is not only weatherproof and heat reflective, but has an innovative built-in rainwater retention system that...
California-based company Glad may specialize in dustbin liners and food storage containers, but they recently unveiled a brilliant one-person trash bag tent for camping, music festivals and other outdoor events...
Read the rest of 6 Cool Camper and Tent Designs for a Summer Adventure Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: all-in-one jacket, bike trailer camping, camping gear, camping tents, cycling, green transportation,...
Camping season may be officially over, but perhaps this awesome expandable decagon tent could tempt urbanites to venture into the wild during the rainy season...
Rods, poles, ropes, pegs, stakes… a camping trip shouldn’t involve a 1,000-piece puzzle, so drop all those bits and pieces and slip into a JakPak instead...
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