"Wikkelhouse is what you get when an everyday material finds a groundbreaking purpose," Fiction Factory told Dezeen. "Using cardboard as its main building material, Wikkelhouse is a cutting-edge sustainable house with a beautiful...
Shigeru Ban is renowned for his inventive and courageous architecture that spans from museums to simple huts. While the Pritzker Prize winning architect is often given kudos for his work in developing emergency shelter and...
As our waste stream continues to expand at an ever-increasing rate, we need to look at reclaimed and recycled materials as a resource for building. One ingenious solution is to use waxy corrugated fiberboard bails to build...
The average housecat may sleep for 18 hours a day, but we’ve all seen frisky felines frolic during their wakeful hours — and they can really tear it up...
- Popular Related Tags: cardboard house, architecture, green building, cardboard cat house, eco pet, cardboard bail construction, green building wal, emergency shelters, shigeru ban emergency shelters, environmental destruction
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