climate oxburgh, Tag

  • Oxburgh's undisclosed interest Tue, 17 Dec 13, 7:50am
    The House of Lords Commissioner for Standards has issued his report on the conduct of Lord Oxburgh, the latter having been the subject of a complaint from BH regular Don Keiller...
  • Oxburgh still spinning Fri, 10 Aug 12, 10:40pm
    Lord Oxburgh was interviewed on Australian radio the other day (H/T Australian Climate Madness), discussing global warming science and Climategate.
  • 'Ello, 'ello, 'ello Wed, 9 May 12, 5:00pm
    From Scottish Sceptic: So, it is with deep regret that I feel I have:
  • Cicerone on Climategate Mon, 5 Dec 11, 4:02am
    Ralph Cicerone is best known to readers here as the man who diverted the NAS panel away from what they had been asked to look at onto areas that were more congenial...
  • What did Fox know? Mon, 11 Jul 11, 5:30pm
    This appears to have been the view of at least some attendees at the annual conference of the World Conference of Science Journalists, held this year in Doha...
  • Antarctic fox Sun, 22 May 11, 5:00pm
    I think I've mentioned that there was a certain amount of fraternisation across party lines at the reception after the Cambridge Conference. Josh and I had a nice chat to Dr Emily Shuckburgh, who is works at the British Antarctic...
  • Childish games from UEA Sat, 21 May 11, 5:00pm
    On Monday, the deadline passed for a request I had made for financial information relating to the Climategate inquiries. This was for (1) a report, at invoice level, of monies expended re the Climategate inquiries and (2)...
  • Diary date for Cambridge Fri, 20 May 11, 8:29pm
    Readers in the Cambridge area may be interested in this meeting, which features two familiar names, in the shape of Lord Oxburgh and Mike Kelly. Lord O is described as
  • Sir John B and the IPCC Wed, 18 May 11, 4:43am
    As readers no doubt know, I have previously obtained a great deal of Sir John Beddington's correspondence around the Climategate affair. As evidence of Sir John's involvement in setting up the whitewashes grows, I started...
  • Sir John responds Fri, 6 May 11, 9:23pm
    The "government" has responded to the Science and Technology Committee's report into the UEA inquiries.
  • Oxburgh's Eleven in the reponse Fri, 6 May 11, 10:33pm
    Sir John Beddington admits that the multiproxy studies, which had were central to the Climategate allegations, were not examined by the Oxburgh panel. Instead they looked at a list of papers chosen by UEA itself, some of...
  • Echoes of Oxburgh Mon, 4 Apr 11, 7:00pm
    Nick Cohen in the Guardian writes about the scandal of the London School of Economics' acceptance of funding from the Gaddafi regime and the questions that are being asked over its awarding of a degree to the Libyan leader's...
  • Beddington on warpath Tue, 15 Feb 11, 9:04am
    The sight of a government chief scientific officer on the warpath is not a pretty one. Sir John Beddington, for it is he, is all a-quiver, enraged with the antics of pseudoscientists of all complexions:
  • GLOBEspeak Mon, 24 Jan 11, 6:01am
    Ellee Seymour has had a chat with Lord Deben, the politician formerly known as John Gummer, and who, if you go a little further back, was called John Selwyn Gummer.
  • Toronto Sun on Climate Files Sat, 8 Jan 11, 6:38pm
    Lorrie Goldstein of the Toronto Sun asks if maybe climate science shouldn't be just a bit more open, and citing Fred Pearce's The Climate Files as evidence...
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