When a town in Australia's South West was forced to switch off gas, residents were given a choice: use bottled gas or electrify. Now, electricity is providing more energy for Esperance than ever before and most of it is coming...
Entrenched opposition between electrical workers and NSW transmission owner Transgrid is taking a toll on a strained power market.
There's more bill pain underway for households, but it's businesses that will bear the brunt of the latest gas crisis rippling through Australia's south-eastern states in the dead of winter.
Gas prices return to crisis highs as cold weather, a lack of renewable energy and plant outages smash the east coast market.
Across Australia, huge numbers of consumers are slowly waking up to the presence of mysterious new power charges on their bills.
Australia has gone from virtually no household solar installations 15 years ago to more than 3 million today, so the idea regulators should make it harder to install panels seems baffling.
Rental advocates call for mandates requiring landlords to install solar panels on tenants' roofs amid warnings renters are missing out on the benefits of green energy.
Rental advocates call for mandates requiring landlords to install solar panels on tenants' roofs amid warnings renters are missing out on the benefits of green energy.
Rocketing power prices have reignited interest in rooftop solar, but are low feed-in tariffs discouraging people from taking the plunge?
Rocketing power prices have reignited interest in rooftop solar, but are low feed-in tariffs discouraging people from taking the plunge?
Australia imports more than $25 billion in goods that may have used modern slavery, and for the first time solar panels are one of the most valuable, according to a human rights group funded by Andrew Forrest.
For millions of Australians, solar panels have been a ticket to cheap, clean power. But researchers and human rights activists warn there's a dark side to their supply and changes are needed.
As questions turn to how — rather than if — Australia will decarbonise its power system, arguments about the best way forward are becoming more intense.
Last year was something of a turning point for household battery systems in Australia, with the number of new installations soaring.
The federal government is facing calls to use the upcoming budget to kickstart efforts to electrify Australian households and wean them off gas to help fight global warming.
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