Next Monday David is speaking at The Gold Symposium in Sydney. (I’ll be in the audience, and at the GoldNerds booth.) Who should go? — only people who don’t want to be poor.
Today in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, for the first time, David Evans has been published in the Op-Ed section. Something is going on in those newsrooms…? This article, below, simply makes the point that the...
Today in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, for the first time, David Evans has been published in the Op-Ed section. Something is going on in those newsrooms…? This article, below, simply makes the point that the...
Last week we finished some YouTube versions explaining the skeptical case. These grew out of the interview we did with Nick Minchin and Anna Rose for the ABC documentary I Can Change Your Mind. They are what we would have...
Soon, the moment will come when the crowd will say “I always knew it was fake”.
How the regulating class is using bogus claims about climate change to entrench and extend their economic privileges and political control. Guest Post: Dr David M.W. Evans, 29 Feb 2012, last updated 13 Mar 2012, latest pdf...
Who Are You Going To Believe – The Government Climate Scientists or The Data? By Dr David M.W. Evans (republished here with permission, PDF link below) We check the main predictions of the climate models against the best...
Background Briefing ABC Radio National July 17th I’m sure Wendy Carlisle thinks she’s helping Australia. The awarded writer who calls herself a science journalist breaks laws of reason, makes a litany of careless...
The Australian 2011 Monckton Tour A Carbon Tax will BANKRUPT AUSTRALIA THE SCIENCE DOES NOT JUSTIFY IT Viscount Christopher Monckton will explain why. Dr David Evans and Jo Nova will accompany him in Sydney and Newcastle...
Scientific audit of the Climate Commission Report “The Critical Decade – Climate science, risks and responses” May, 2011 Bob Carter, David Evans, Stewart Franks, William Kininmonth PART I – INTRODUCTION, DISCUSSION...
GUEST POST: Dr David Evans and Professor Bob Carter Their Latest Scary Forecast The latest from the Climate Commission is very, very scary: They reckon we have to stabilize carbon dioxide emissions immediately or we’ll...
Dr David Evans’ address to the Anti-Carbon-Tax rally, Perth Australia, 23 March 2011. Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen. The debate about global warming has reached ridiculous proportions and is full of micro thin half-truths...
The public might not understand the science, but they do understand cheating Dr. David Evans 7 Nov 2010 [A series of articles reviewing the western climate establishment and the media. The first and second discussed air temperatures,...
The public might not understand the science, but they do understand cheating Dr. David Evans 19 October 2010 [A series of articles reviewing the western climate establishment and the media. The first and second discussed...
This point is THE critical one. It was the first point raised in the Skeptics Handbook, developed in the Second Handbook; the point that Dr Glikson had no reply too; the point that tripped up Will Steffen, Deltoid, and John...
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