The importance of buildings in society and everyday human life can’t be underestimated. They are the center of just about everything we do — from work to play — and for most people living without them is unimaginable....
Oregon is seeing record-breaking recycling rates for their progressive movement dating back to 1971. As the first state in the nation to initiate a bottle return bill, residents of the west coast state are long-accustomed...
Tiny house living is obviously more affordable compared to living in a traditional home, and it offers mobility and a smaller carbon footprint. The visible drawbacks are lack of storage space and fewer amenities, but there...
Do you love solar panels, but hate the color blue? You're in luck - researchers in the Netherlands have developed a process for making conventional solar panels bright green, and they're working on developing other colors...
Scientists at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed a coating for glass that is superhydrophobic, making it so that it will literally bounce water off the surface...
Bike manufacturers have answered the call to the increased population of bike commuters by designing full lines of commuter specific bikes. Though many of these commuter bikes aren’t cheap, if you’re giving up...
Triangular-shaped structures are not uncommon in Japan since space on the island is very limited. Although they look tiny and restricted on the outside, these homes are often incredibly spacious, and the double story Horinouchi...
NASA is quietly working on a pretty ambitious plan to help a "significant portion" of the aircraft industry transition to electric propulsion within the next decade...
A Korean research team has achieved record level efficiency in solar cells, using a new formula for mixing perovskite structures. Perovskite is an inexpensive, abundant mineral, and the researchers have found ways to make...
A team from the University of New South Wales, Australia, just set a new world record for solar energy efficiency by successfully converting 40.4% of available sunlight into electricity. And what's even more remarkable is...
So you've already swapped out your incandescent bulbs for LEDs and installed a smart thermostat - what else can you do to green your home? Good to Be Home has you covered with a new infographic that shows 50 ways you can...
Just when you thought Scandinavia couldn’t get any more eco-friendly, Helsinki ups the ante. The Finnish capital recently announced some major environmental initiatives aimed at making the city smarter and greener. The...
Did you know that every year about 1.3 billion tons of food go to waste? That's about a third of all food produced - and yet 870 million people are undernourished around the world. NeoMam Studios just created a new infographic...
Volvo just unveiled plans for the world's first large-scale trial of self-driving cars. The 'Drive Me' project will see 100 autonomous vehicles take to the streets of Gothenburg, Sweden in 2017. The cars will traverse 30...
Italian lighting company Foscarini describes its lamps as "not only lamps but pure emotions." That should give you an idea how seriously the company takes its craft. And now we're pleased to report that Foscarini is releasing...
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