Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Encouraged by the reception of my previous post “Eight Ten-Thousandths Of A Degree Per Gigaton“, which ranged from warm acceptance through amused contempt to outright…
Only a small percentage of climate policies instituted globally have actually resulted in any significant emissions reductions, according to a study published earlier in August in Science, a respected scientific publication.
The relation between CO2 Emission and resulting concentration of the last 65 years can be best understood with a simple top-down model, where the net sink effect, which is the difference between anthropogenic emissions and...
However, since actual temperature and CO2 data result in a current climate sensitivity of ca. 1.25, there is plainly something wrong with the current “fad” for climate sensitivities of 3 or more.
Whatever the motivations, spending trillions of dollars to replace fossil fuels with expensive and unreliable wind and solar sources is foolish, futile and dangerous.
By Jo Nova It’s something to be proud of: Russia, Australia and USA have the biggest Greenhouse Gas Export footprint on Earth. It’s a bizarrely contrived title though, where we have to ignore domestic emissions...
...both models can explain the emission and concentration data of the past very well, makes it necessary to check the deviations in the future.
While an emissions scenario like SSP5-8.5 has been widely used to scare humanity with climate model projections of extreme warming, this plot shows the last several years of global emissions (through 2023) suggest the future...
...we estimate that if the United States (U.S.) eliminated net CO2 emissions by the year 2050, this would avert a warming of 0.0084 ◦C (0.015 ◦F), which is below our ability to accurately measure.
The politics of the climate movement must never take precedence over patient safety!
Of course, it's totally cynical. I mean, you know, Joe Biden is not doing this because he's stupid or the people behind him are stupid. Half this country is for this climate agenda for some reason. In my view, climate is...
I can only assume that the scientific community’s silence on the subject is because politically driven energy policy goals are driving the science, rather than vice versa.
The message here is that CO2 emissions don’t have to be cut very much for atmospheric CO2 levels to reverse their climb, and start to fall. The reason is that nature removes CO2 in proportion to how much excess CO2 resides...
From The Daily Caller Nick PopeContributor Citigroup is warning that more than 40% of their energy sector clients are unprepared for the “net-zero” emissions transition, according to the financial institution’s…
...since the closure, New York’s greenhouse gas emissions have gone up.
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