Guest post by Mike Jonas From the UK’s BBC comes this news item: Trillion-euro shortfall facing EU energy sector – Lords Committee Under the obligatory photo of chimneys spewing steam, is a totally uncritical...
This week National Journal’s Energy Experts Blog poses the question: “What’s holding back energy & climate policy.” So far 13 wonks have posted comments including yours truly. What I propose to...
Two stories reprinted in Climatewire today provide a funny reminder that politicians can’t set the ‘right’ price even when the ‘commodity’ is carbon and the goal is saving the planet...
Hey guess what – who’da thunk it? – one of President Obama’s energy advisers is on course to make millions from shares in green companies which may benefit from green policies that she has helped formulate...
As the time for another vote on Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's Emmissions Trading Scheme approaches debate is "warming up".From today's Australian:AUSTRALIA is looking increasingly isolated in the global community as Kevin Rudd...
In another blow to Prime Minister Rudd’s emissions trading scheme (ETS) the UK’s Guardian announces the failure of the EU’s struggling ETS to control carbon dioxide emissions.The European Union's Emissions Trading System...
Australian conservatives have shown the way by dumping the party leader who was in favour of massive carbon taxes and replacing him with one who stated last month that AGW is “crap.”
This makes Malcolm Turnbull,...
Australia is leading the revolt against Al Gore’s great big AGW conspiracy – just as the Aussie geologist and AGW sceptic Professor Ian Plimer predicted it would...
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