FERC must act quickly to restore reliability. FERC’s first step is to ban the connection of new intermittent generation to America’s grid.
AEU has recently been shown to be the matchmaker for Michael Bloomberg’s operation out of NYU, the State Energy and Environmental Impact Center, to place activist ‘staff’ in progressive PSC/PUC offices to advance...
At a time when inflation is making its tougher from families and businesses to thrive, imposing additional costs for transmission buildouts for special interests makes little sense.
Chaining ourselves to arbitrary deadlines that are not even understood will bring down many of the world’s economic engines (see Germany).
There is a “looming reliability crisis in our electricity markets,” FERC Commissioner James Danly said.
None of this impossibility is being considered in today’s reliability assessments.
The basic idea is very simple; do not add renewables without sufficient backup.
What is amusing is that FERC has a rule making ongoing on constraining renewables, because they screw up the grid.
Without that gas power, Texas would have faced a catastrophe.
The wealthy will buy expensive electric cars that will be charged with pricey, intermittent, weather-dependent wind and solar power. Middle classes will see their jobs and living standards plunge further.
Guest “Is anyone else annoyed every time the Soviet invasion of Ukraine and climate change appear in the same sentence?” by David Middleton This NPR article isn’t as awful as…
MISO's long implementation date for Order 2222 is another reason FERC should schedule a technical conference sooner than later.
ISO New England outlined the "transition" proposal that will be submitted to FERC in the coming weeks. If allowed proceed, the MOPR would remain in effect for next year's capacity auction.
From MasterResource By Robert Bradley Jr. — February 3, 2022 “[FERC] staff have determined that approval of the Project would not result in significant environmental impacts, with the exception of…
Independent System Operator (ISO) compliance plans for FERC Order 2222 are on their last stretch, with PJM and ISO-NE filing coming up here in February and MISO and SPP plans due in April...
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