Dinosaurs were the most fascinating creatures that once ruled the world for more than 150 million years. The peculiar fossils serve as a window into the past, revealing the diverse dinosaur species that inhabited the planet's...
In Tasmania, a marsupial mystery has finally been solved. People have long puzzled over the whereabouts of the last known specimen of a thylacine, or Tasmanian tiger. Turns out they’ve been safely tucked away at the Tasmanian...
Scientists discovered ancient footprints and mammoth bones in what is now New Mexico. The discovery reignited debate on when the first humans lived in North America. According to a study published in the journal Frontiers...
A recent study of human fossils from the Sterkfontein Caves in South Africa reignited debates about the origin of humans. The caves are home to Mrs. Ples' skeleton, as they nicknamed the fossils of a cave woman found. Her...
Climate change can affect life on Earth. According to new research, it can also affect the dead.
British architectural firm Hopkins Architects has completed the Buhais Geology Park Interpretative Centre, a new research and education facility highlighting the "prehistoric and geological significance" of the former...
Emma Thompson and Mark Ruffalo among signatories of open letter to secretary general
Emma Thompson and Mark Ruffalo among signatories of open letter to secretary general
While enjoying an evening walk at Douglas Lake in East Tennessee, 11-year-old Ryleigh Taylor stumbled upon a magnificent discovery: the 475-million-year-old fossilized remains of an ancient sea creature called a trilobite...
Dozens of footprints from ancient sauropods, a kind of creature that scientists believe may have been the largest dinosaur ever, have been discovered in Scotland...
Is Earth staring down a mass extinction? Recent research from an international team of scientists reveals warning signs for the biggest mass extinction in our planet's history were apparent far earlier than experts had thought...
Big Bend National Park isn’t just a place of stunning landscape beauty—the Texan park is also paleontological paradise. To tell the story of the area’s rich fossil history, Texan architecture studio Lake | Flato designed...
What may perhaps be the world's greatest cache of Triassic-era fossils was discovered by scientists at Utah's Bears Ears National Monument, which recently lost its protected status...
Fossils in Africa from the Late Cretaceous time period - around 100 to 66 million years ago - are rare. Scientists have been largely kept in the dark about the course of dinosaur evolution on the continent, but a new dinosaur...
Scientists have discovered the oldest known fossil of a modern human outside of Africa in Misliya Cave near Mount Carmel, Israel. The discovery reveals that modern humans left Africa at least 50,000 years earlier than previously...
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