The third pig, Freedom of Speech, had observed the Wolf’s tactics and decided to build his house differently. Instead of bricks or steel, he fortified his home with the most indestructible material of all: the right to...
The loss of Twitter as a ‘safe’ space for climate alarmists has been a bitter blow.
Marine Geophysicist, Dr Peter Ridd, has said his experience with James Cook University, and the slow take up by universities to the free speech model code proposed by former High Court chief justice Robert French, demonstrates...
Before the Flood, speakers included impacted front line residents like youth activist Tak'aiya Blaney who explained that recently in her community oil sludge trailing ponds spilled into two of the world's biggest salmon...
Opposition to escalating grassroots movement calling for banks and super funds to divest from fossil fuel companies
The story so far: Caitlin Moran (yes, all right: I know lots of you claim never to have heard of her, but she's a bestselling author on both sides of the Atlantic and one of our most fluent and entertaining columnists) has...
Guest post by Alec Rawls Andrew Bolt has been blogging for the past week about the totalitarian tendencies in the just released “Media Inquiry” commissioned by Australia’s Labor government...
Today's column is dedicated to Raymond Finkelstein QC. Raymond who? Well, he's the kind of left-leaning activist lawyer I'd normally run a mile from – especially since he's behind a scary new report which,...
UPDATES below – some confusion afoot by differing newspaper versions has been discovered. The print version appears to be online. ================================= Letters to the editor are one of the oldest free speech...
For my money probably the best political blogger in the world is Australia's Andrew Bolt. He was one of the first journalists onto Climategate (he got there before me) and his takedown earlier this year on his radio show...
It came to our attention yesterday when we were sharing WUWT articles, that Facebook now treats WUWT articles as “abusive”. Apparently this is a new tactic of the warmists to abuse the FB abuse process in order...
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