The shortlist for the expansion Heathrow Airport has just been announced, together with conceptual images of the designs by renowned architecture firms such as Grimshaw, Zaha Hadid Architects, HOK and Benoy...
Held every five years, the Registered World Expo is hosted by a city that has bid and won the right to hold the event. The winning city must select a universal theme for the Expo, which can be held at a maximum of six months...
Grimshaw Architects, the London-based firm who created the first Eden Project in Cornwall has just signed up to do a second version of the giant geodesic domes in China, China Eden...
Grimshaw Architects, the London-based firm who created the first Eden Project in Cornwall has just signed up to do a second version of the giant geodesic domes in China, China Eden... Just one of the many displays, the Gulf Stream Tank will be open to the sun and sky and viewable from all five floors of the Museum, which will collect and reuse rainwater. Additional aquarium...
Istanbul Grand Airport was designed by Grimshaw Architects, the Nordic Office of Architecture and Haptic Architects, who were appointed by a Turkish consortium of Cengiz, Kolin, Limak, MAPA and Kalyon...
The wedge-shaped glass enclosures are greenhouses that will each be a controlled environment home to different climate zones from tropical to polar. There are five total climates represented including Korea's own temperate...
The NYC subway system is one of the fastest, greenest ways to get around town, but one common complaint is that stations are underground, dark and never see the light of day...
The Highpoint Shopping Centre is located about eight kilometers northwest of Melbourne's central business district in the suburb of Maribyrnong. Grimshaw Architects was tasked with designing the 30,000 square-meter retail...
Grimshaw Architects has recently submitted its Development Application on behalf of Parramatta City Council for the landmark mixed-use tower. Aspire Tower will be located next to Parramatta Square on Church Street and is...
Read the rest of Grimshaw + Gruen Win Competition to Design Los Angeles Union Station Master Plan Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: eco design, green architecture, Green Building, green design, green...
Read the rest of Los Angeles Unveils Union Station Master Plan by Grimshaw + Gruen Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: eco design, green architecture, Green Building, green design, green renovation,...
Read the rest of Grimshaw Breaks Ground on the Miami Science Museum Which Will Be Its Own Living Exhibit Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: "sustainable architecture", eco design, eco museum, florida,...
Measure twice, cut once. This old adage is one that craftsmen understand well and never question. Careful measurement and planning is essential in producing any quality product, and when it comes to the building industry,...
Read the rest of Spiraling Superfuturistic Newport Station in Wales Connects Two Sides Of The City
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