historical architecture, Tag
The best architecture tells a story. It honors tradition and culture. It speaks to history. Although it doesn’t require onlookers to understand the heritage behind the design, it does require the architect to have a deep...
Now that ISIS has been pushed out of Palmyra, archaeologists are starting to assess the damange done to the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Many expressed relief that more damage wasn’t perpretrated, yet there were still significant...
Beehive homes can be found in the thick of hot deserts and cities. Most are found in rural farming communities, but there are even villages of them located in Aleppo, the largest city in Syria, which has been continually...
Read the rest of Earthen “Beehive Houses” Have Been Keeping Syrians Naturally Cool for Centuries Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: Beehive houses, desert dwellers, earth architecture,...
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