Good public policy must be based on solid, reliable information. The public has not received full information on climate, what impacts it, subjects involving climatology, energy efficiency, or any other science-related topic...
Newspapers, news magazines, broadcast news (radio and television and cable) journalists have, for the most part, abandoned journalism as an outmoded quaint occupation akin to the making of buggy whips...
By Jo Nova Lesson #457 in how to lie with science File this lesson away in the Decline and Fall of Enlightenment Science. Nature, formerly known as the esteemed science journal, is now achieving everything a captured tabloid...
Note, just because the Earth is 1.3°C warmer than Little Ice Age in 1850 and atmosphere holds more water vapor does NOT mean a particular weather event was caused by climate change. It's not that simple.
Nordstream explosion. Twitter Forsvaret, Danish Defence. By Jo Nova It was an act of terrorism that revolved around energy, but it’s also about free speech and the media. It’s a red-pill moment, and it was released...
Late last week a large prospective “study” showed that ivermectin was useless so it got headline reporting at the Wall Street Journal, unlike the other 80 controlled studies the newspaper ignored...
Late last week a large prospective “study” showed that ivermectin was useless so it got headline reporting at the Wall Street Journal, unlike the other 80 controlled studies the newspaper ignored...
We’ve seen all sorts of media claims about climate change. Some are doomsday scenarios, others claim your favorite holiday food will be threatened, while others try to link nearly every weather event to…
The New York Times, once one of the world’s leading newspapers, has finally realized that there must be something worthwhile to gain from subscribing to the paper version of their newspaper...
Did you get the memo? Which journalists are “just following orders”?
This research paper is five years old, but is an interesting glimpse into the reasoning and justifications for lopsided reporting of AGW. Read the paper, discuss. Yuck~ctm Climate Change in the Newsroom: Journalists’ ...
Verily. Eclipses do weird things to people. Justin Gillis, writer for The New York Times used the recent eclipse to sell something I’d call Sciencemagic. Essentially, if some Scientists™ can calculate orbital mechanics...
What’s better than Pravda? When Pravda is controlled by big government but masquerades as “commercial” and, even better, when it competes with and sucks money from independent competitors–making it...
When U.S. journalist Emily Atkin flew into Fort McMurray, Alberta, to "see the tar sands," her Canadian border control interview left her uncomfortable enough to investigate the experiences of others in the environmental...
Photo © Shutterstock The UK tabloid the Daily Mail isn’t exactly known for its compassionate or nuanced take on the environment (or its journalistic respect for the facts), but a recent article celebrating a family that’s...
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