Quantum breakthrough uses light’s quirky properties to boost 3D imaging, paving the way for enhanced performance in self-driving cars, medical imaging and deep-space communications Stevens Institute of Technology Researchers...
Solar installations are becoming a no-brainer for anyone with a roof in much of the country. But getting an estimate on how much it would cost and how much juice it would generate can be complicated and time consuming. Aurora...
AEye, a San Francisco Bay Area-based company that develops hardware, software and algorithms that serve as the "eyes and visual cortex" of autonomous vehicles, has announced a new data type that will help self-driving cars...
For the first time ever, after you're done partying on the strip, you'll be able to hail an autonomous ride with Lyft. The ride sharing company is bringing thirty self-driving cars to the streets of Las Vegas in partnership...
For the first time ever, after you're done partying on the strip, you'll be able to hail an autonomous ride with Lyft. The ride sharing company is bringing thirty self-driving cars to the streets of Las Vegas in partnership...
An international team of researchers have identified tens of thousands of previously unknown Mayan structures using a high-tech aerial mapping technology known as Lidar...
In a thrilling new discovery, archaeologists used laser imaging technology to reveal ancient cities hidden by jungle in Cambodia. The LiDAR data provides information on waterways, iron smelting locations, and even another...
If you've ever wondered what it's like to be a dragonfly, flitting through the forest canopy, this virtual reality installation by Marshmallow Laser Feast (MLF) is your answer...
From Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung something that could be a possible negative feedback to CO2. As plants proliferate more due to increased CO2, it follows that pollen load in the atmosphere would also increase....
Tesla Motors has long worked towards producing the car of the future, and the Model S may well be the perfect electric vehicle for the middle class. If getting 265 miles per charge wasn't enough to certify the sedan as an...
From the FECYT – Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology Scientists ‘read’ the ash from the Icelandic volcano 2 years after its eruption In May 2010, the ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull...
Researchers at Switzerland’s University of Geneva have come up with an interesting way of making it rain–shooting lasers high up into the sky...
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