marcott, Tag

  • One of my long-standing interests is the location of ocean sediment series that enable apples-to-apples comparison of the 20th century to the mid-Holocene...
  • Ground-truthing Marcott Fri, 9 Jan 15, 2:35pm
    The MD99-2275 core offshore Iceland is a very high-resolution ocean sediment core, results of which over the past millennium have been discussed here from time to time...
  • The Amazing Mann gives no pause Sun, 14 Jul 13, 9:01am
    The Amazing Mann just told TAM (The Amazing Meeting of the Skeptics Society) that there has been no pause in Global Warming, and says claims that there has been are just ‘Cherry Picking’...
  • The Impact of TN05-17 Thu, 11 Apr 13, 8:20am
    TN05-17 is by far the most influential Southern Hemisphere core in Marcott et al 2013- it’s Marcott’s YAD061, so to speak. Its influence is much enhanced by the interaction of short-segment centering in the mid-Holocene...
  • The longest very high-resolution alkenone core that I’m aware of is Sicre et al’s MD99-2275 (plus splices) from offshore Iceland (67N 18W)...
  • Alkenone Divergence in Peru Wed, 10 Apr 13, 9:03am
    Gutierrez et al (GRL 2011) pdf here; data here is another very high resolution alkenone series that is well-dated in the 20th century. It was taken in an upwelling zone offshore Peru at a similar latitude to Quelccaya. Like...
  • Alkenone Divergence Wed, 10 Apr 13, 3:07am
    While there are disappointingly few high-resolution alkenone ocean cores with 20th century resolution, there are a few. Given the importance of this class of proxy in Marcott et al, one would have thought the performance...
  • One of the longstanding CA criticisms of paleoclimate articles is that scientists with little-to-negligible statistical expertise too frequently use ad hoc and homemade methods in important applied articles, rather than proving...
  • Skiphil writes: Andy Revkin of Dot Earth/NY Times blog is inviting questions to be submitted to the authors of Marcott et al. (2013). Since Revkin is one of the only journalists who might have a chance of getting the study...
  • People send me stuff. This morning my inbox had a forwarded Twitter item about a Tammy post where supposedly none of what McIntyre discovered about the dating problems in Marcott et al hockey stick “matter”, because...
  • Q. Why did realclimate publish the Marcott FAQ on Easter Sunday? A. Because if they’d waited until Monday, everyone would have thought it was an April Fools’ joke. Ross McKitrick has an excellent article at National...
  • The Marcott Filibuster Mon, 1 Apr 13, 4:46am
    Marcott et al have posted their long-promised FAQ at realclimate here. Without providing any links to or citation of Climate Audit, they now concede: 20th century portion of our paleotemperature stack is not statistically...
  • Bent Their Core Tops In Wed, 20 Mar 13, 4:15am
    In today’s post, I’m going to show Marcott-Shakun redating in several relevant cases. The problem, as I’ve said on numerous occasions, has nothing to do with the very slight recalibration of radiocarbon...
  • Hiding the Decline: MD01-2421 Mon, 18 Mar 13, 3:58am
    As noted in my previous post, Marcott, Shakun, Clark and Mix disappeared two alkenone cores from the 1940 population, both of which were highly negative...
  • The Marcott-Shakun Dating Service Sun, 17 Mar 13, 5:19am
    Marcott, Shakun, Clark and Mix did not use the published dates for ocean cores, instead substituting their own dates. The validity of Marcott-Shakun re-dating will be discussed below, but first, to show that the re-dating...
  • Popular Related Tags: marcott, uncategorized, paleoclimatology, marcott et al proxy paper, holocene, temperature, climate change, global warming, alkenone, epic
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