In the mountains of the southeastern Spanish town of Jumilla sits “La Casa del Ángel,” a small shelter where outdoor enthusiasts have long sought shelter...
Chilean architect Lorena Troncoso-Valencia designed a serene wooden refuge deep in the Chilean mountains. The architect - who specializes in sustainable habitats - created the wooden PV Cabin as a refuge for the many mountain...
Alpine architecture has evolved far beyond traditional chalets, as can be seen in this contemporary cabin perched high above in Chile's Valparaíso Region...
The building is carefully oriented to take advantage of natural lighting, heating and cooling while keeping its impact on its site to a minimum. The redwood bark facade was sourced from a neighboring sawmill, and the doors...
The building is carefully oriented to take advantage of natural lighting, heating and cooling while keeping its impact on its site to a minimum. The redwood bark façade was sourced from a neighboring sawmill, and the doors...
Read the rest of Extraordinary Gervasutti Refuge in Italy is a Prefab Tubular Alpine Pod Home Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: eco design, energy efficient, Gervasutti Refuge, green design, helicopter...
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