Result: it was modestly warmer 1000 years ago than it is today.
This video explores the just how history has to be changed to fit their narrative.
Man-made catastrophic global warming doesn’t exist, and it is time to stop hurting ourselves by acting as if it does.
From Russia to the Indian Ocean to Antarctica, surface temperatures were much warmer than they are today during Medieval times.
Thus, scientific integrity falls by the wayside. It is only a matter of time before critical climate scientists systematically address the inconsistencies in the filtered IPCC 6th climate report. The incident reveals how...
"As a piece of work showing what you can do with poo, this study breaks new ground," said Michael Bird, a researcher in environmental change in the tropics at James Cook University in Queensland, Australia, who was not involved...
To add to that picture, this study found that elephant seals migrated to the Victoria Land Coast in the Ross Sea about 8000 years ago, as the region became warmer, and stayed there till about 1000 years ago when sea ice returned.
The greatest time of the Roman Empire coincided with the warmest period of the last 2,000 years in the Mediterranean, according to a study published in the journal Scientific Reports.
Reposted from Dr. Roy Spencer’s website October 25th, 2019 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. NOTE: I have written on this subject before, but it is important enough that we need to keep thinking about it. It is also related to...
From TFP Student Action Celebrities, activists, environmentalist organizations, the UN, government entities and sadly, even the Vatican support the theory that humans cause climate change...
Guest essay by Larry Hamlin The Los Angeles Times is at it again hyping anti science climate alarmist propaganda trying to conceal the global wide Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age that are supported and justified...
Guest Commentary by David Archibald The area planted for corn and soybeans this season is well below historic averages. This was mostly due to waterlogged fields and flooding which precluded planting. The planting windows...
Just a single study. Just a single location. Just a single technique. Importance TBD~ctm From EurekAlert! Link to study and excerpts below press release. Geoscientists at UMass Amherst have reconstructed the longest...
Josh writes: There’s an excellent post over at Climate Audit on Sheep Mountain which seemed too good not to cartoon. Regular readers will recognise the familiar outline of the landscape (a graph that was in the...
In the thread Intelligence and the hockey stick commenter “Robert” challenged a well known quote about the MWP from 2006 by Dr. David Deming in his statement before the Senate EPW committee which is the title...
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