natural environment research council, Tag
Guest “Ice Station Dallas Report” by David Middleton Ice Station Dallas: 15 February 2021, 0630 Current Weather Conditions: 6 °F (-14 °C), 34 °F (10 °C) below “normal.” Approximately 4-6…
From the University of Edinburgh , another one-paper syndrome in the making funded by an NGO research council with a political mission to grab a headline...
No mays, coulds, or mights here in this press release headline from UEA. They say “will“. As usual, they assume nature so poorly equipped her creations that they can’t adapt. That’s some ballsy certainty....
From the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton (UK) How do corals survive in the hottest reefs on the planet? Coral reefs are predicted to decline under the pressure of global warming...
From Cardiff University: Tiny fossils hold answers to big questions on climate change Research explores 12,000 year fossil record The western Antarctic Peninsula is one of the fastest warming regions on the planet, and the...
From the University of Exeter , terrible news: Carbon stored in Arctic tundra could be released into the atmosphere by new trees growing in the warmer region, exacerbating climate change, scientists have revealed...
As mentioned in our WUWT story earlier today Increased CO2 Emissions Will Delay Next Ice Age the official press release is now out at Eurekalert and published below...
From the Queen Mary, University of London , there was shrinkage, of plankton no less. I’m sure it’s easy to extrapolate that right up to the top of the food chain. How global warming could cause animals to shrink...
From the UK another paper with some pragmatic analysis, coupled with some rhetoric on sea ice: Arctic climate variation under ancient greenhouse conditions Tiny organisms preserved in marine sediments hold clues about Arctic...
- Popular Related Tags: natural environment research council, climate change, nature geoscience, enso, oceans, uncategorized, greenhouse gas, carbon sequestration, tundra, antarctic peninsula
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