Read the rest of Off Architecture Unveils Rolling Green-Roofed Apartment Complex for France Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: Anglet, Duncan Lewis SCape Architecture, eco design, france, green design,...
Read the rest of Paris PARC: BIG + OFF Win Competition to Design Sorbonne’s New Research Centre in Paris Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: "sustainable architecture", big, Buro Happold, Daylighting,...
Read the rest of OFF Architecture’s Terraced Green Roofed Apartments To Add Landscaping to Anglet France Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: Anglet, eco design, france, green architecture, Green...
Read the rest of Abandoned Italian Viaduct Transformed Into Vertical Vacation Complex Permalink | Add to | digg Post tags: eco design, eco resort, geothermic energy, green design, italy, MT. Etna, off...
This artificial mountain proposed for the center of Belgrade dubbed “Sciencescape” is the innovative vision of OFF Architecture. OFF entered their proposal for the Center for Promotion of Science Competition, but...
High school students in Revin, France will soon be attending classes in a stunning new terraced building covered in green roofs. Seen from above the new Lycee Jean Moulin school will simply appear as a terraced landscape,...
High school students in Revin, France will soon be attending classes in a stunning new terraced building covered in green roofs. Seen from above the new Lycee Jean Moulin school will simply appear as a terraced landscape,...
In one of the most ambitious examples of speculative architecture of the year, Paris-based OFF Architecture recently unveiled an incredible eco-bridge spanning the Bering Strait from Russia to the United States that would...
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