When the PDO finally turns negative it will hyper-accelerate the solar-driven cooling evident from 2016.
Jim Steele “As scientists who study what controls snowfall admit, “There are “no easy answers” to the question of climate change and snow” Nonetheless click bait media doesnt hesitate to…
We can hear the angst and confusion — Another “nasty La Nina?”, “Something weird is going on”, “They (La Ninas) don’t know when to leave”...
A new study analyzes patterns of natural rainfall variability and can provide crucial assistance to African countries in seasonal rainfall forecasting for agriculture and protection against droughts & heavy rains.
Altogether, I conclude that the paper M20 is not advancing our understanding of the nature of multi- and interdecadal oscillations such as the AMO and PDO.
What’s Natural? Guest essay by Jim Steele American folk lore is filled with stories of how Native Americans observed changes in wildlife and foretold future weather changes...
From the INSTITUTE OF ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS, CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES and the “tail wagging the dog” department. For decades, the world’s leading scientists have observed the phenomena known as El Nino...
by Michael Wallace, Hydrologist I have offered to write this guest essay to reflect recent talks I’ve presented to water resource professionals on hydroclimatology and Solar cycles...
The Effects of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on U.S. Regional Weather A climate researcher at Cornell University, Remy Mermelstein has written an interesting and provocative paper showing...
If human emissions made Irma worse, did they also bring the 12-year lull in Cat 4-5 hurricanes? Paul Driessen Hurricanes Harvey and Irma brought out the best in us...
From Townhall Dennis Avery Posted: Aug 07, 2017 10:01 AM Americans have suffered needless climate-related panic for the past 40 years—not realizing that, since 1850, our newspapers have given us a climate scare about every...
Guest post by David Middleton Cyclical changes in the Pacific Ocean have thrown earth’s surface into what may be an unprecedented warming spurt, following a global warming slowdown that lasted about 15 years...
Despite the recent floods, droughts and extreme winter weather, the effects of climate change have pretty much been on hiatus for the past few years. But according to Nafeez Ahmed at the Ecologist, about two atomic bombs...
Guest Post by Bob Tisdale In this post we can learn from someone’s mistakes. The author of the post at Slate clearly misunderstands many aspects of El Niño and their relationship with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation…so...
The rise in temperatures along the U.S. West Coast during the past century is almost entirely the result of natural forces — not human emissions of greenhouse gases, according to a major new study released today in the...
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