Guest “Looney Toons” by David Middleton OPEC cuts oil demand forecasts, BP sees ‘peak oil’ in 2020sSeptember 14, 2020 LONDON (AP) — Developing countries’ difficulty in containing the spread of the coronavirus...
Guest “this is fracking hilarious” by David Middleton Chevron’s Answer to Climate Change Is to Keep Drilling for OilThe energy giant believes it can still wring years of profits from fossil fuels while its European...
Guest post by David Middleton BP’s ‘Peak Oil’ Demand Prediction Falls Flat By Jude ClementeFebruary 22, 2019 Always mandatory reading, BP just released its Energy Outlook 2019. It has caused...
Guest post by David Middleton The purveyors of greenschist (a geologically inspired euphemism for green sh!t) seem to have an obsession with a phrase that they clearly do not comprehend: Tipping point...
By Paul Homewood Bishop Hill had a post the other day, about a presentation on climate change given to the cabinet by Chief Scientist, Sir Mark Walport, seen at right...
In a recent article called There Will Be Oil in the WSJ, Daniel Yergin once again attempts to debunk the concept of peak oil and sees global production capacity growing to 110 mmbpd by 2030, followed by slow decline...
This is a guest post by Kevin Rietmann, known as KLR on The Oil Drum.
This is a guest post by Chris Nelder from his blog Energy & Capital.
When oil crossed $120 a barrel for the first time in May 2008, oil cornucopians knew they were in trouble...
Prices had quadrupled in just five years,...
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