Dianne wants to join the hoards of people installing solar panels on their roofs. But as long as the Victorian government's her landlord that's not likely to happen.
Solar panels could produce enough energy to cover the cost of Trevor Grinham's electricity bills, but there needs to be a change in policy before that can happen.
Solar panels could produce enough energy cover the cost of Trevor Grinham's electricity bills but there needs to be a change in policy before that can become a reality.
Public housing residents in the Northern Territory are a step closer to running on clean energy.
Eight million Australian homes contribute to 18 per cent of Australia's carbon emissions, a new report shows. Enacting any major change is especially hard for renters and people in low-income households.
Eight million Australian homes contribute to 18 per cent of Australia's carbon emissions, a new report shows. Enacting any major change is especially hard for renters and people in low-income households.
Scotland's Berwickshire Housing Association wants to capture the wind to boost their mission. By launching a new wind farm in the Scottish Borders, and selling the power to the National Grid, the charitable organization hopes...
This week Google has started rolling out its plan to provide free internet access to its Google Fiber cities, beginning with the program’s original market, the West Bluff property in Kansas City...
This week Google has started rolling out its plan to provide free internet access to its Google Fiber cities, beginning with the program’s original market, the West Bluff property in Kansas City...
The project was prompted by a huge population increase and a strong need for public housing. Part of a build-to-order development located near the city center, Sky Terrace houses naturally ventilated apartments distributed...
Architecture firm J Mayer H just won an award for their Quartier M adaptive reuse project, which will transform an old post office in Dusseldorf, Germany into a busy urban center...
Read the rest of Checkerboard Solar-Clad Housing Project Pops Up in Paris Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: Barbes Metro Station, double skin solar panel, eco design, green design, Paris, Philippon-Kalt...
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