This latest attempt to link climate change to urban rat infestations is yet another example of the decline in journalistic integrity at WaPo, sadly a growing problem for the mainstream media in general, especially when reporting...
Visitors to the Galapagos Islands learn about the island's fragile ecosystem and the need to protect the lives of its endemic animals. But not every animal life is sacrosanct on these islands just 600 miles off...
The warmer weather creeping into cities across America is cause for international concern, but there’s one group that loves it– rats. The impact of climate change on pests and disease is widely studied and cited as a...
Does cell phone radiation cause cancer? There's no firm answer to that question, but Quartz reported experts show, following three days of peer review sessions over two National Toxicology Program (NTP) draft reports, there...
Warmer weather is fueling a rodent surge, straining public health systems and the economy. It’s time for the federal government to step in. From The New Republic By Emily Atkin August 23, 2017 Bobby Corrigan is the...
The Galapagos Islands’ precious biodiversity is at risk with invasive rat species sneaking on ships and preying on endangered eggs and hatchlings. One potential solution is to genetically modify the rats to only be male,...
San Francisco police recently found a woman living in a small room with 300 rats – and there’s not much they can do about it. The 43-year-old woman known as Erica J., or more colorfully as “Rat Girl,” has been living...
Honeybees have already done a great service to the human race. Between pollination, curing disease, and producing honey, it is hard to image how to be more appreciative. In Croatia, scientists have found another role for...
Utilizing animals in cosmetics testing seems awfully outdated, and it may soon be obsolete too as synthetic skins are now apparently good enough to imitate animal skins in lab tests...
Glucose: it gives us that extra spike of energy, powers our cells, and soon, it might even power implantable medical devices. A team of researchers from Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble, France recently implanted the...
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