spencer-braswell and dessler, Tag
I’ve Looked at Clouds from Both Sides Now -and Before by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. …sometimes, the most powerful evidence is right in front of your face….. I never dreamed that anyone would dispute the claim that cloud...
Christopher Monckton writes in email: I sent the attached commentary to the journal a week back and have not had so much as an acknowledgement. So do feel free to use it. It is reproduced below. Readers may recall of …...
Oh dear, now we have three peer reviewed papers (Lindzen and Choi, Spencer and Braswell, and now Richard P. Allan) based on observations that show a net negative feedback for clouds, and a strong one at that. What will Trenberth...
Oh dear, now we have three peer reviewed papers (Lindzen and Choi, Spencer and Braswell, and now Richard P. Allan) based on observations that show a net negative feedback for clouds, and a strong one at that. What will Trenberth...
Turbo Peer Review is the new normal it seems. Steve McIntyre at Climate Audit writes: Bishop Hill draws attention to the publication of Trenberth’s comment on Spencer and Braswell 2011 in Remote Sensing. Unlike Trenberth’s...
Guest post by David Middleton My State is currently in the grip of a very severe drought… Professor Andrew Dessler, an atmospheric sciences professor at our nation’s greatest university, recently authored a column...
While we are marveling at the recent revelation out of Serbia that shows a connection between cosmic rays, clouds and temperature, our own volunteer moderator, Roger (Tallbloke) noticed and collated some comments from Bill...
Josh writes: In view of the thread The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: My Initial Comments on the New Dessler 2011 Study a commenter over at BishopHill said this: “Does this mean that John Abrahams comments, reported...
Drought, Wildfires Haven’t Changed Perry’s Climate-Change Views : It’s All Politics : NPR Last week, I drove to College Station to talk with Andy Dessler about the renewed firestorm over global warming...
NOTE: This post is important, so I’m going to sticky it at the top for quite a while. I’ve created a page for all Spencer and Braswell/Dessler related posts, since they are becoming numerous and popular to free up...
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