President Trump released a moratorium on offshore wind upon taking office on January 20, that “temporarily prevents consideration of any area in the OCS for any new or renewed wind energy leasing for the purposes of generation...
CFACT will continue to provide the Trump Administration with the facts it needs to avoid the energy mistakes so many others have made.
FERC must act quickly to restore reliability. FERC’s first step is to ban the connection of new intermittent generation to America’s grid.
Geneticist who discovered hotspots of illnesses in Scottish islands calls for redirection of community benefit funds
Opposition leader says PM was wrong when he said that the decision was taken under the last government
Surge in solar, wind and battery capacity comes as president pledges to halt federal support for clean power
With all the learned societies and institutions continuing to turn a blind eye, it is hard to see who will step forward to draw attention to this developing ecological disaster...
“The data make it clear that the only possible rationale for renewable energy—making significant reductions of CO2 emissions—cannot be achieved. The costs of attempting to do this are already imposing heavy costs on...
Green energy advocates who minimize the challenge of transitioning the electric grid to wind and solar rely on the claim that the “wind is always blowing somewhere”. The 2024 wind energy data suggest otherwise. ...
CFACT has already criticized several offshore wind permitting cases for being inadequate due to the omission of important issues, making them incomplete...
Critics say Trump is using every presidential power possible against clean power in sharp turn after Biden investments created jobs
The green energy narrative works somewhat like a magician’s patter, overemphasizing many things of irrelevance and distracting the audience from the important things going on...
Gusts of up to 80mph may bring disruption but also a surge in cheap wind power after days of near-zero output
Gusts of up to 80mph may bring disruption but also a surge in cheap wind power after days of near-zero output
From LNG to drilling in Alaska, here’s everything you need to know about Trump’s energy and climate executive orders
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