International team to study effect of climate change on the arctic Anthropologist Peter Ungar will study impact on the ecology of people and mammals University of Arkansas Peter Ungar, Distinguished Professor of anthropology...
Zombie anthrax from a reindeer that has been dead for 75 years appears to have resurfaced after a recent heatwave hit Siberia, infecting 13 Yamal nomads and killing 1,500 reindeer, Washington Post reports...
If you’re looking for an abyss to gaze into, a new one just mysteriously appeared at the end of the world. A giant hole in the Earth about 262 feet in diameter was recently discovered in Russia's far north, and scientists...
In a move that blatantly disregards the impacts of climate change, shipping companies are taking advantage of melting Arctic ice to cut transportation times for petroleum products...
Several readers have asked me to respond to recent comments about me at Real Climate: briefly, Osborn has made one misrepresentation after another and made statements with seemingly complete indifference as to whether he...
This will be a top “sticky” post for a couple of days, new posts will appear below this one. This must be personally satisfying for Steve McIntyre, though I doubt the folks at RealClimate will have the integrity...
This must be personally satisfying for Steve McIntyre, though I doubt the folks at RealClimate will have the integrity to acknowledge that he was right, and they were wrong...
Unreported by CRU is that they’ve resiled from the Yamal superstick of Briffa 2000 and Briffa et al 2008 and now advocate a Yamal chronology, the modern portion of which is remarkably similar to the calculations in...
Briffa’s new paper on Yamal is online today here, together with Supplementary Information here. Yamal has been a longstanding issue at Climate Audit. The new article appears to be their long awaited response to criticism...
We have reached, I would suppose, a period of complacency in the perception of the coming of Peak Oil. We are in a period where, as recent posts have shown, the promises of bountiful supply are built on increasingly tenuous...
The Arctic is a less forgiving place than many folk care to recognize. Shell have just moved back the date on which they plan to restart drilling in the Chukchi Sea and won’t be going up there this year. At the same...
What will Supermandia dress up as this year? Every time I look at this photo of Mike Mann’s most earnest defender, “AGW Prof” and operator of the Climate Science Defense Fund, Dr...
From the “he who must not be named” department, comes this sure to be future McI-fodder. UEA/CRU responds in a press release, authored by Tim Osborn, an excerpt: ===========================================================...
This post will be a sticky top post for a day or two, new stories will appear below this one. Climategate Continues By Andrew Montford & Harold Ambler May 24, 2012 4:00 A.M. in the National Review – reposted here …...
Steve McIntyre writes: Yesterday, I received updated Yamal data (to 2005) from Rashit Hantemirov, together with a cordial cover note. As CA and other readers know, Hantemirov had also promptly sent me data for Hantemirov...
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