Solar Power, definition of
- Solar Power
Carbon is the chemical element with symbol C and atomic
number 6. As a member of group 14 on the periodic table, it is nonmetallic
and tetravalent—making four electrons available to
form covalent chemical
bonds. There are three naturally occurring isotopes, with 12C
and 13C
being stable, while 14C is radioactive, decaying with a half-life
of about 5730 years.
Carbon is one of the few
elements known since antiquity.
The name "carbon" comes from Latin language carbo, coal.
See the full entry on wikipedia
EcoWho Articles where 'Solar Power' used:EcoWho blog posts where 'Solar Power' used:- Solar Power Installers, what to look for..
When looking for a solar power installer, it pays to do your homework and double check that you are getting the best. - Updated Green Directory
Our Green Dictionary App has undergone an upgrade.
- Queensland cuts back on Green Schemes
Queensland Premier Campbell Newman has ordered Anna Bligh’s husband to begin dismantling green energy programs he helped create, we examine what this will do. - solar power efficiency
What are the factors that are important in efficiently harvesting solar power - we look at what they are.. - Solar Power Calculator Updated
Our solar power calculator has been updated.. - Quantum dot solar cells - is this the breakthrough?
Quantum Dot Photovoltaics look to be able to double solar electricity collection efficiency. Is this enough to improve the viability of solar power to be practical to more of the community and make it sustainable green? - Buy Green Books and Products
We now have an online facility to purchase green books and products. - Resource Super Profit Tax is Super Stupid
We look at the Resource Super Profit tax and show why it will not work as advertised. - Climate Change: the ice is fine
Electromagnetic survey to measure ice thickness uncovers vast areas of resilient "old" ice in the Arctic; leading researcher concludes, "Any talk about tipping points, a sudden drop and no recovery ... I don't think it is going to happen." - Keeping Cool in Summer
Keeping cool in Summer as always a challenge, we show you how to do it whilst being green. - Wind Power, is it really Green?
Can wind power be considering a really green alternative energy source in its own right? - Time to comment on the IPCC
The IPCC is awaiting your feedback, tell it as it is... - A study: The temperature rise has caused the CO2 Increase, not the other way around
Differentiating the CO2 measurements over the last thirty years produces a pattern that matches the temperature anomaly measured by satellites in extreme detail. That this correlation includes El Niño years, and shows that the temperature rise is causing the rise in CO2, rather than the other way.. - Sustainable House Day 2010 in Australia
Sustainable House Day 2010 is on for Sunday 12th September 2010, we look at how this can help you been more sustainable. - Sustainable House and Home
Sustainable housing, we look into what you need to do to make your house more green and sustainable. - Passive Solar
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Bilderberg 2010, a meeting you have never heard of, full of people you have never heard of - trying to manage the world without your say.. - Rain fall and rain harvesting calculator
A new calculator that uses some publicly available rain fall data to help work out your monthly rain fall and hence collectible rain water. - Green Directory
New Green directory service on line. - Architects held to be "Fit For Purpose"
Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer Law) Bill (No. 2) 2010 will seek to remove an exception requiring Architects and Engineers to comply to a 'Fit for Purpose' warranty. We think this is a good thing. - The Skeptic Global Warming Conference
The Fourth International Conference on Climate Change is taking place in Chicago, Illinois. - New Scientist, in denial on denial
New Scientist has just published a 'Age of Denial' special edition.. - Kids test with added global warming propoganda
The recent NAPLAN test in Australia has caused an outrage due to it containing an inaccurate article that pits roo meat against beef & the coal industry in terms of environmental impact. - Is Cap and Trade really the way to care for the planet?
I reckon Cap and Trade is not the way to go.. - Is Climate Change caused by Photoshop?
We look at the images used in the media to portray climate change and find quite a few have been run through PhotoShop.. - Home Sustainability Assessment - do you really need one?
Home Sustainability Assessments, are they actually assessing your home or assessing your ability to pay for more green modifications... - Most convinced global warming not man made
It appears that down in Australia that there is an outbreak of common sense occurring. - Hot Water Heat Pumps - are they a rip off
We have a quick look at the cost benefits behind heating hot water using a heat pump... - Lets the climate models tell the truth we want to see..
Climate models are just that, a model, based on assumptions and theories. Their accuracy is limited not only through the complexities of the climatic systems they model but also by the conclusions researchers want to see from them.. - More exact monthly means...
Following up with more data set pairs showing the difference in accuracy between min/max daily monthly means and taking the mean of all hourly measurements in that month.. - What exactly is a monthly mean?
A lot of climate analysis is done using the monthly mean temperature. Given that data is quite often available for hourly measurements I thought I'd have a look at whether creating a monthly mean straight off all the hourly measurements would produce a difference; initial findings indicate it does. - Australia has a growing obesity problem
Australia has a big problem, obesity is now the #1 preventable cause of death.. - Global Warmings unscientific method
Peer review seems to be more about peer pressure when trying to publish anything that goes against the Global Warming group think. - Australian Bureau of Meterology tweaking the climatic data?
Its seems that the Australian Bureau of Meteorology might have been tweaking the data a bit to show false warming.. - Climategate Parliamentary Inquiry in the UK, the whitewash results are in
The parliamentary inquiry into ClimateGate has just published its report, we have a look. - heathrow expansion stopped due to climate change?
It appears that a UK judge seems to have swallowed hook line and sinker the 'settled science' of climate change and stopped Heathrow from being expanded.. - Green Environment Blog Network - a closed blog ring?
It appears that the Guardian and sites like have been engaging in closed content sharing ring.. - Earth Hour - the flop?
Although Earth Hour left people with a nice warm glow, did it actually make a difference... - Climate Change caused an island, erm sand bar to disappear..
"Climate change sunk my sandbar..." hmm - Earth Hour - lights out, minds alight
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It appears the World Wildlife Fund could be on its way to securing up to $60 billion in carbon credits from 'saving' the Amazon - more like 'cashing in' on the Amazon if you ask me.. - Costs overruns for school buildings
It appears that the Australian school building program is having its fair share of 'cost overruns'.. - Climate Rage
Climate Rage - don't get mad - get even. - The Green Web Directory is Online
Our Green Directory is up and running - Solar Power - hidden costs
Solar power is all the rage at the moment, we had a look at some quotes and found it is not as good a deal as it looks. - Climate Change killed my cat..
It seems that everything from Floods through to Fires through to droughts is being blamed on global warming and climate change. I think this is oversimplifying the story and ignoring local changes we have caused. - Is keeping data private 'normal practise' in climate research?
It seems Phil Jones thinks its perfectly normal to do research and publish said research whilst withholding data. - Yet another Climate Change department?
Seems the AU government are busy producing yet more Co2 via civil servants for climate change. - Act on Co2 - the advert..
Ofcom in the UK is investigating a climate change advert which really takes things too far. - Met Office proposes to make Data Set Verifiable
The UK Met Office want to put in place a collation of station data that is publicly accessible. - Cover-More, you drink and its cover-less..
If you have Cover-More insurance, don't travel and do any drinking if you want to remain insured - thats the finding of a recent Today Tonight special. - Is ETS a lame duck?
The Emissions Trading Scheme looks to be stuck in the Senate. Does this mean it will fail? - A failure to insulate
It appears the Rudd governments insulation rebate scheme is beyond repair... - Climate Change bullies?
Climate Change Scientists seem to believe they are being bulled... - Sydney transport - oh what a fine mess!
Yet more politically motivated tweaking of the Sydney transport system.. - National Climate Change Forum response
This is in response to the National Climate Change Forum being held in Adelaide. - What is the fuss with biochar??
Given the sudden interest in the media on biochar one would think a way of really saving the world has been discovered... - Bush Fires and being Green, can you do both?
Given that bush fires cause a lot of destruction and environmental damage, can we manage them and be green at the same time? - Is the Australian Stimulus package green enough?
Online tools where 'Solar Power' used:- Solar System Savings Calculator
Interactive calculator to help work out the savings from installing a solar power system and when it breaks even. Can factor in Feed in Tariffs, rising electrical bill costs and comparative investment returns. - Solar Power Calculator
Calculate the power solar panels will generate each season based on latitude or nearest town or city worldwide. Also works out off grid energy savings of going solar powered..
Related Tags: solar, solar cells,
Search the Web for Solar Power
What is Solar Power?
Solar Power definition.
About Solar Power.
- Solar Power Generation
Solar Power Generation is the act of using a system that is powered by the Sun to produce typically electrical power.
Most often this is achieved using
Solar Panels to generate the electrical energy required directly.
News & Blog articles where 'Solar Power' used:Related Tags: solar power, solar energy, solar panels, inverter
Search the Web for Solar Power Generation
What is Solar Power?
Solar Power definition.
About Solar Power.
- Solar Power System
A solar power system is one which is primarily powered by solar energy.
EcoWho Articles where 'Solar Power' used:- Solar Power Facts
Establish the facts around solar power. This article explains the pros and cons of having a solar power system for your home, and how to work out the costs. - Solar Power - the facts about setting up Solar Power
Solar Power systems installed at the home or office can reduce environmental impact. How solar panel systems work is described and how you and the environment benefit.
EcoWho blog posts where 'Solar Power' used:Online tools where 'Solar Power' used:- Solar System Savings Calculator
Interactive calculator to help work out the savings from installing a solar power system and when it breaks even. Can factor in Feed in Tariffs, rising electrical bill costs and comparative investment returns.
News & Blog articles where 'Solar Power' used:Related Tags: solar, batteries, renewable, electricity
Search the Web for Solar Power System
What is Solar Power?
Solar Power definition.
About Solar Power.
- Solar Powered
Describes an object which is either solely or completely powered from the Sun. It may require direct Sun light to work or stores the solar energy in a battery to use later, such as solar powered garden lights.
EcoWho Articles where 'Solar Power' used:Online tools where 'Solar Power' used:- Solar Power Calculator
Calculate the power solar panels will generate each season based on latitude or nearest town or city worldwide. Also works out off grid energy savings of going solar powered..
Related Tags: solar power
Search the Web for Solar Powered
What is Solar Power?
Solar Power definition.
About Solar Power.
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