While the Goreacle was bloviating about “24 hours of climate reality“, Obama quietly slipped in the real reality – CO2 regulation is put on hold and Gore’s quest to regain his climate mojo has been...
Because, well, Miss Florida wasn’t available. Our friend Ecotretas writes: It is rising… Climate Reality has had some good moments. Like the moment below, where Paul Higgins, Associate Director of the American...
Perhaps Facebook was concerned that Al Gore was convincing thousands of unsuspecting dupes to hand over their Facebook account control, which would mean “post at will” on thousands of user accounts, resulting...
Stange juxtaposition of Al Gore related stories today. SU to vote on funding Gore, others to speak | Washington University, St Louis The College Democrats will be appealing for almost $145,000 to pay Al Gore to speak...
By Caroline May in the Daily Caller One day climate change skeptics will be seen in the same negative light as racists, at least so says former Vice President Al Gore...
The punch line from Rex Murphy’s recent editorial in the National Post will upset sensitive readers who still think Gore is the messiah rather than a barker...
As reported by the NYT. Oops. Now we know why we heard the real Gore speaking, not just the made for TV version of Al. And… due to this story going viral, we get the “Full Monty” at last. From … Continue...
Tim Blair of the Telegraph catches this little slip, which is rather telling. He writes: Jeff Young interviews Maggie Fox, President and CEO of Al Gore’s latest scam, the Climate Reality Project: FOX: I think the notion...
Story submitted by Ronald C. Henry The current American Chemical Society journal Environmental Science & Technology has a most amazing story demonstrating the foolish, indeed outright dangerous, application of the...
The fact that he has started cussing while addressing audiences(even supportive ones) clearly shows that he has lost the battle. “There’s no longer a shared reality on an issue like climate even though the very existence...
This fellow, Charles Monnett has been suspended pending an investigation into his polar bear research. You may recall that he single-handedly inspired Al Gore (not that it takes much) into producing this piece of science...
According to AP/Anchorage Daily News, he’s on leave pending results of investigation. It seems everywhere you look, there’s some sort of fakery going on with the polar bear issue. For example, the image at left,...
Al Gore’s “Climate Reality Project” was launched on July 12th with great media fanfare, lots of interviews, and press all over the planet...
With Al Gore’s recent re-emergence from the dead with An Inconvenient Truth, Version 2.0, I find myself noting his website, The Climate Reality Project (formerly The Alliance for Climate Protection) countdown clock...
From Tom Nelson – too good not to share. More proof that Fraudster Al Gore doesn’t know how to use the Internet Al’s Journal: June26th, 2011 Ice and Snow Disappearing from Mt. Rainier The effects of the...
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