Dr. Parag Khanna and his PhD in international relations has earned a Billy Madison Lifetime Achievement award.
Guest geological perspective by David Middleton This is a sort of a spin-off of Rutgers University Global Snow Lab and “the Snows of Yesteryear” and A Geological Perspective of the Greenland Ice Sheet...
Democrats, Green New Dealers and UN gabfest attendees need to get ‘woke’ on eco-energy Paul Driessen The full-court press is on for climate chaos disaster and renewable energy salvation...
From The Daily Caller 9:54 AM 05/30/2019 | Energy Michael Bastasch | Energy Editor Former Vice President Al Gore said President Donald Trump’s “assault on science” threatens “the capacity of the human species...
Reposted from Fabius Maximus Website Larry Kummer, Editor Climate change 24 May 2019 Summary: The latest chapter of the climate campaign consists of warnings about a coming mass extinction of species...
Reposted from The GWPF January 2018: Worst-case global warming scenarios not credible: Study PARIS (AFP) – Earth’s surface will almost certainly not warm up four or five degrees Celsius by 2100, according to a study...
Guest No Schist Sherlock by David Middleton Climate change is going to make life on Earth a whole lot worse, report predicts “The evidence was absolutely mind-blowing to me,” said the lead researcher...
Guest lampooning by David Middleton 99.989% rounds up to 100%. This is fantastic news… Unless you’re a Warmunist. Fortunately for Warmunists, Science News tailors their headlines to your preferences…...
Guest ridicule by David Middleton “Film at 11” is a US idiom from television news broadcasting, where the viewers are informed that footage of a breaking news story will be screened later that day...
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