Just as in Part I, in Part II I find numbers applied to fundamental concepts that are small but with uncertainty estimates I cannot reconcile nor find entirely credible...
It’s another case where observations don’t match the script. The “warming equals wetter” narrative takes a hit when a natural factor like wind can call the shots. It’s not a knockout blow to climate orthodoxy—evaporation...
With new data and input from readers, CRGW theory has been evolving over the 7 essays already published in WUWT. This essay suggests that cascading natural steps in CRGW theory are real and significant contributor to global...
Through his analysis, Koutsoyiannis calls for a reorientation of climate research, urging the scientific community to afford greater attention to hydrology and to reconsider CO₂’s central role in climate models...
The climate is changing, and the geological record of climate change clearly shows that (a) we live in an unusually cold climate, (b) recent warming is neither dangerous or unusual, and (c) the main drivers of climate change...
In about 120 million years we will finally cross the Sagittarius spiral arm. We will exit this Ice House with its periodic glacial ages and enter the next Hot House inter-arm space on our way into the next spiral arm region...
Evapotranspiration, ET, is defined as the total amount water flux evaporated into the atmosphere from surface and plant (dew) Evaporation and plant Transpiration. ET is a term used in agriculture water management to aid...
When I began this effort I expected to discover that my search for energy imbalance would find a very small number with a very large uncertainty. This is exactly what I found. In addition, I was surprised to see that estimates...
The high VPD air mixes with passing air in the lower cloud zone (cumulus clouds altitude) and retards cloud formation somewhere.
This paper will explore the relationship between global VPD and global Cloud Fraction (Cover), CC.
It is experimentally shown that the thermal radiation from a transparent, colder solid has the capacity to influence a solid warmer than it to become even warmer, under the right circumstances.
I present arguments that support the view that we are facing an extraordinary and extremely rare natural event in climate history.
The atmosphere is not static. It is dynamic and it is bootstrapping its way into a deeper and deeper layer of instability.
The atmosphere is less a heat engine than a collection of many self-running refrigerators/dehumidifiers operating in different ways to carry heat largely from surface to tropopause locally and the balance from equator to...
As at its current concentration atmospheric CO2 at 420 ppmv is already more than 85% saturated, its Global warming potential is almost entirely exhausted.
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