The greenhouse effect should already be cooking the world - but something keeps it tame.
Concerns about anaesthetic gases are of course just another one of the never-ending scares designed to enforce the Net Zero fantasy. Removing all hydrocarbons from an industrial society means reducing living conditions to...
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Abstract: Using the CERES satellite data, it is shown that over the last ~ quarter century, the increase in greenhouse gases has had no detectable…
Therefore, curbing the emissions of HFCs from inhalers is unnecessary and would have minimal effect on the climate. Given this conclusion, the selection of inhalers to prescribe to patients with asthma or COPD should be based...
It is experimentally shown that the thermal radiation from a transparent, colder solid has the capacity to influence a solid warmer than it to become even warmer, under the right circumstances.
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach. TL;DR: Ramanathan proposed that the “greenhouse effect” could be measured as surface upwelling longwave minus top-of-atmosphere (TOA) upwelling longwave. However, this ignores...
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach. The CERES dataset continues to yield new insights. My joy is to graph different relationships and then see what I can learn and find out…
Some scientists were saying ‘yes,’ but others no.
Because radiation is an insignificant driver of upward heat transport in the lower atmosphere, these models are based on a false assumption and are therefore invalid.
The contributions from 3 heat trapping mechanisms are examined: Greenhouse gases, heat domes and ocean barrier layers and how they contribute average global temperature and extreme weather.
One of the favourite tricks of climate prophets of doom is to suggest that all major factors influencing our climate are more or less constant, with the sole exception of “greenhouse gases”.
Guest post by Wim Röst Abstract The Earth’s greenhouse effect is much larger than suggested so far. If surface radiation and the greenhouse effect set surface temperatures, our oceans would…
After analyzing the physics detailed in this video, I’m convinced it is solar energy that drives the observed ocean heating, and any infrared ocean heating is insignificant at best.
This video will expose a popular climate myth pushed by the media. Although greenhouse gases warm the earth's average temperature, CO2 does not trap heat.
We review how the atmospheric temperatures and the concentrations of Earth’s five most important, naturally-occurring greenhouse gases, H₂O, CO₂, O₃, N₂O and CH₄ control the cloud-free, thermal radiative fluxes...
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