Heartland has long had a presence in Europe in the sense that we have worked with allies there over the years to encourage the European public, business community, and politicians to embrace sound climate science and avoid...
In a recent development reported at SteynOnline.com, Michael E. Mann, known for his controversial “hockey stick” graph and his demeanor of lawfare, has been ordered to personally contribute to the…
There is a case against the adoption of Net Zero given the enormous costs associated with implementing the policy, and the fact it is unlikely to achieve reductions in average near surface global air temperature, regardless...
The Heartland Institute has worked since its inception to reform the nation’s agriculture laws and regulations, freeing farmers from onerous, unnecessary regulations and higher costs imposed by federal and state governments...
The purpose of scale is to provide context. A 1 million acre wildfire is big. In the Texas panhandle, it killed two people, destroyed dozens of homes and caused nearly $5 billion in damage. Had a similar sized fire occurred...
This month marks the 15th anniversary of “Climategate”—the release of thousands of emails among climate scientists showing them behaving very badly...
In a shocking video released by Project Veritas, an EPA official appears to confirm what many have long suspected: taxpayer money is being shoveled out the door with reckless abandon,…
Now in its 10th year, Josh has another calendar available.
While this seems like something that is out of cartoon with the Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote (picture that episode with the giant magnet and "tornado seeds,") this is actually real science and it is happening on Jupiter.
“Climate models have greatly overestimated the solar radiation actually reaching the Southern Ocean, largely because they are not capable of correctly simulating clouds...
Guest essay by By David Wojick In Cop 29’s “Finance agreement” diplomacy is truly the art of agreeing to nothing. There is no agreement of substance here because there is…
Our relatively warm climate has been beneficial to the growth of the vegetation that sustains the creatures we so treasure.
In anticipation of Trump’s victory, a coalition of groups—among them the Heartland Institute, E&E Legal Institute, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), Truth in Energy and Climate, and The American Energy...
By Andy May “Consensus” scientists do not believe that solar variability, internal climate variability (in this model simplified to the ~67-year stadium wave), or volcanism influence net global warming or…
During the peak of ozone depletion season from Sept. 7 through Oct. 13, the 2024 area of the ozone hole ranked the seventh smallest since recovery began in 1992.
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