Should we shut down Western industrial civilisation to bring back the frost?
Climate scientist David Karoly has slammed the Aussie Conservative Government for diverting CSIRO attention away from working on "settled science", towards providing "customer driven science", consultancy services for businesses.
February 15, 2016, was the beginning of a debate on man-made climate change between two well-known experts in the field, Princeton Professor of Physics Dr...
The Herald Sun reports: PROFESSOR Tim Flannery has been sacked by the Abbott Government from his $180,000 a year part time Chief Climate Commissioner position with the agency he runs to be dismantled immediately...
Guest essay by Bob Fernley-Jones Our taxpayer funded broadcaster here in Oz, the ABC, has recently aired a scary story in its “science” TV show Catalyst, entitled Climate Extremes...
From the University of Melbourne, where being angry about “weather is not climate” isn’t just a science, its a way of life: Human influences through global warming are likely to have played a role in Australia’s...
Three articles of note today. First, UK chair of climate committee says warming may be natural, second, Met Office admits that warming of last century isn’t statistically significant, and finally, Aussie scientists...
From the University of Melbourne Scientists narrow global warming range Australian scientists have narrowed the predicted range of global warming through groundbreaking new research...
From the University of Melbourne Scientists narrow global warming range Australian scientists have narrowed the predicted range of global warming through groundbreaking new research...
Andrew Bolt at the Herald Sun tips me to this story in the Australian which makes me wonder why we never hear about posh expensive dinners for the all those #big oil funded skeptics...
The Climate Commission, the (very handsomely) paid climate propaganda wing of the Gillard government, trots out the drearily predictable line that the recent heatwave in Australia is all due to climate change and that if...
I’m a bit late in covering this due to other issues of interest taking precedence, but I want to make sure this is widely known. We’ve covered the issue of the Gergis et al paleoclimatology paper this past summer,...
I haven't had a chance to read the FoI materials on this yet, but Climate Audit and Bunyipitude dissect the Karoly/Gergis Hockey Stick debacle, on-hold, correction, retraction, withdrawal or whatever it really was...
A few months ago I wrote that freedom of speech is dead in Australia. This was prompted by two incidents – the trial of blogger and broadcaster Andrew Bolt, who had had the temerity to suggest that white-looking Australians...
Between this withdrawal and the Esper et al paper showing the MWP and RWP warmer than today, Mike Mann must be having a really, really, bad day. Even SuperMandia in tights can’t help. Thanks to Richard Tol (and Marc...
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