dirty weather report, Tag
At least “Burning Man” has an art component to it, “burning dolls”, not so much. This is so stupid, so inane, so grade B movie “Plan 9 from Outer Space” level that all you can do is laugh...
Welcome, for the next 24 hours, WUWT will be bringing you the counterpoint to Al Gore’s claim that “dirty energy=dirty weather” which you can watch over here...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 11/13/2012 WUWT-TV to debut on November 14th to counter Al Gore’s “Dirty Weather Telethon” on November 14th and 15th starting at 8PM EST (5PM PST) Al Gore is forming another 24 hour media event...
From Al Gore’s Climate Reality project today: ============================================================= Dear Friend, In case you missed our big announcement Sunday, I wanted to share some exciting news: Our second...
- Popular Related Tags: al gore, dirty weather report, climate reality project, announcements, watts up with that, extreme weather, alarmism, global warming, humor, satire
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