Guest “Wind & Solar No Shows… Again” by David Middleton Surely, Renewables Must Have Saved New Englanders From Broiling “No...
Minnesota Democrats vote to freeze in the dark by 2040.
Guest “They got it bass-ackwards, once again” by David Middleton Electricity operators must wake up to climate change — or brace for summer outagesBY ROMANY M...
Guest “Of course they did” by David Middleton ERCOT = Electric Reliability Council of Texas H/T to David Youatt for this suggested topic. June 14 ERCOT News Release News ReleaseJune…
Check you premises, California. Consider the consumer in terms of rates and reliability. Reverse course, don’t speed up. Acknowledge and respect the value of dense mineral energies for electrical generation. Flashlights,...
Guess “Did you know?” by David Middleton In a world where mostly unreliable power plant (solar & wind) construction is on the rise, backup power generation becomes more important every day...
Guest “No energy transition for you!” by David Middleton SEPTEMBER 25, 2020In 2019, 9 of the 10 highest-generating U.S. power plants were nuclear plants According to U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)...
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted nationwide energy supply-and-demand patterns. Stay-at-home social distancing measures have altered U.S. electricity consumption. Bulk electricity usage by commercial...
Guest “I couldn’t make this schist up, if I was trying” by David Middleton Activists Demand National Grid Halt Project To Extend A Fracked Gas Pipeline Through North BrooklynBY SYDNEY PEREIRAFEB...
By Ronald Stein Founder and Ambassador for Energy & Infrastructure of PTS Advance, headquartered in Irvine, California California’s green crusade direction and actions are increasing the costs of electricity and fuels...
Guest cheer leading by David Middleton Florida has led the nation in the addition of natural gas-fired electricity generation capacity over the past decade, by a very wide margin...
Guest “you couldn’t make this sort of schist up if you were trying” by David Middleton H/T to Chuck Wortman… One of America’s oldest power companies is going carbon free By Matt Egan, CNN BusinessUpdated...
Guest post by David Middleton DOE = United States Department of Energy FERC = Federal Energy Regulatory Commission OCT 2, 2017 Rick Perry Directs FERC To Complete Final Action On Resiliency Pricing Rule In 60 Days Rod Adams...
What do you get when you combine public art with renewable energy? That's exactly what the Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI)'s annual design competition seeks to explore...
Warm and well fed, or hungry in the dark? Guest post by Viv Forbes Which is worse – gradual man-made global warming or sudden electricity blackout? Alarmists try to scare us by claiming that man’s activities are causing...
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